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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 12:56:36 +0000

Post From: configuration file error unable to read due to newer file format

[2020-12-06 15:26:54]
User820702 - Posts: 4
I have two instances of SC running so I compared the two main folders with the executables. In the instance that works without issues there are two green icons named SierraChart and SierraChart_64.

In the other folder (the one not working) There are three applications. I attached an image. I tried opening the application that does not have the normal icon. Its only 1,846 kb and it works normally. It is version 2207. The only thing missing when I open the app are my DTS username and password settings for IB.

When I installed this instance of SC I did something wrong (renaming the exe?) I dont want to change anything as I am concerned I will make it worse so I will wait for you to advise me on renaming or deleting the application files.
imagescprob.PNG / V - Attached On 2020-12-06 15:26:36 UTC - Size: 9.76 KB - 169 views
Attachment Deleted.