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Date/Time: Thu, 02 May 2024 01:40:32 +0000

Post From: large volume trade issue

[2020-08-12 01:16:39]
User432142 - Posts: 44
dear john,
thank you for your answer

l am aware of it, actually my point is that the indicator shows a summation of all the trades that had a volume greater than 5 at that price with both side (ask trades + bid trades) instead of one side (ask or bid)
- Time:08:10:34.005 Price:10551.50 Volume:6 (bid trade)
- Time 08:10:34.015 Price:10551.50 Volume: 10 (ask trade)

IMHO,this indicator purpose is to show strong side which large trades occured. if it shows a summation of both of bid and ask trade, how we can understand which side is aggressive buyer or seller. pls kindly check below example;

same price level 7 ask trade, 10 ask trade and 11 bid trade are occurred, it shows as a red mark(bid trade) and total volume 28. in this example there are 17 ask trade and 11 bid trades, indicator shows total volume 28 as a red mark (bid trade), so l understand there is strong buyer but actual seller side is aggressive when we check in time and sales.

Anyway,is there anyway to see a summation of all the trades that had a volume greater than 5 at that price with only one side (ask or bid)