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Date/Time: Sat, 18 May 2024 03:06:13 +0000

Post From: A few "strange" SecurityDefinitionResponse messages from DTC server

[2020-06-23 07:09:38]
User442651 - Posts: 25
After my DTC client makes a SymbolsForExchangeRequest, for the CoinFLEX exchange, the server responds with a list of 8869 SecurityDefinitionReponse messages.

Most of them look as expected, but there are a handful ~10 (I can count the exact number if anyone wants) of responses that look invalid. For example, the 75th response has the symbol "(Enter Search Text - NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ)" and a blank description. Another symbol is "(Get Deribit Symbols)" again with a blank descriptions.

Are these some kind of placeholders that are to be expected, or is there something going wrong that should be addressed?