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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Feb 2025 05:28:27 +0000

Post From: Ackin's indicators (SCH users requests for studies) - Update list

[2018-04-22 10:24:51]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
New Library

There are studies on suggestion/request from the Sierrachart forum.

The library is free of charge
The library doesn't contains malicious code, but if you don't believe it or have other doubts, please don't download it. You don't need it for your work. It is voluntary and at your discretion.
The library is only in a compiled version without source code, it isn't opensource

You can download:
1) the library of the current version (prerelease version) from our forum or choose another version for example because of your Sierra version and compatibility with it.
2) Automated File Distribution System
info-link: Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language (ACSIL): Automated File Distribution System
This method is only on your personal request via direct message or email. You have no control on overwriting the update library. The whole process is automatic. This way we never send the latest update for stability reasons. Always older verified version (two months or more back)

How do I download the study?

You asking me for sierra chart account name.Is it common/safe practice?
answer here: Purchase of studies/indicators/oscillators

Ackin, why don't you share your ACSIL study source code? What are you afraid of?
post your studies in normal .cpp form, to this forum
I'm not afraid of anything. I helped many people solve their problem, which was so individual that no one else wanted to solve it.
In the library I present here are currently more than 150 studies. Anyone who tried to program knows that there are many hours of work behind this project ..... a lot of work. My personal and in my time.

I offer a free compiled library that is not opensource, I say in advance what I offer It is my decision ..... hate or insults, and blackmail or manifestations of racism will not change it. I appreciate very much people here at the forum to develop this community: Kiwi, Ehleban, Tomgilb, @sstfrederik, Vega, Ganz, bradh, WarriorTrader, Cory, Brett Johnson and others .... many of them in public present their work and their code but it's their choice. I don't share the source codes ..... Sorry, my choice

I don't think SC would allow posting Binary "blob" DLL's here in this forum - it's just not SAFE - so people should be careful to signup elsewhere.....
In the first post of this thread is the DOM.dll library ..as you wrote: "Binary blob DLL....here in the safe space" ...., it has been here since 2016, imho it is the first user's DOM Heatmap on the whole Sierrachart forum. If it was dangerous, It would be deleted by the forum administrator long ago, especialy if it violated the terms of this forum. It doesn't violate and isn't dangerous. That's why it's here.

I'd feel much safer if you posted your DLL's to the Sierra forum (if that's even allowed -- shudders) instead of your third-party Czech & Slovak forum
There are many libraries without cpp on this forum, but and this is important: "there are no protected libraries". Uploading protected library with authorization to all is against logic.
On the other side, third-party support from the "Custom study store" is official. Look at the attached image

I'd be super curious to see if Sierra would allow Ackin to post his DLL's right here in this safe space. The answer is "no" I'm sure, and everyone knows the reason.....
Free DLL download = dangerous
1) I am registered in this forum and in Sierrachart SW since 2011-04-23 as a direct account user
2) I'm part of a group of developers in "Custom Studies Store". Only authorized programmers can present themselves at this address based on request via an Account support ticket.
3) Every programmer can make his own library. Yes. But if you want a protected library with advanced settings and authorization for others, you have to ask for a SCH team via an Account support ticket. The request requires an aproval. They may dismiss it for mistrust.

In this case the library "ZYP DOWNLOAD FREE" has been approved. I manage over 350 account names in this library. The Sierrachart team can certainly see in administration how many authorized people use this library by the authorized account name, but also other libraries (have more of them). If someone had a problem with this library, surely the support of Sierrachart would know about it , and the authorization of this library would be cancelled by them.

SCH Team allowed me authorized advanced settings of this library:
- send the library as an update directly to the user's computer using an automatic process If he wants it
- manage account names for this library (on/off usage)
- set service levels for different user groups
- set library expiration differently for each user as needed
(for all this I need the user account name, you also asked about it)

Approving and setting of everything mentioned above should show you enough confidence of the Sierrachart team in me (I thanks for it a lot).

This thread was just an upgrade list of one item from the Custom study store. Once a month I put here an update of new studies. Nothing more ... In the end, the biggest promotion of this thread and my studies were your posts.

I take the discussion with you as finished ....

You can find other free indicators and free resources for Sierra chart:
Free Bundle by simplesystemtrading

I will be glad if there are only constructive or study edit questions, please create your own thread for hating or spam.
This thread should only be the Upgrade list and the change list for this:
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-03 00:33:37
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