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Date/Time: Sat, 11 May 2024 07:45:28 +0000

Post From: Sierra Chart extend trial and testing

[2017-04-19 18:53:18]
AlexPereira - Posts: 197

Been all day talking with FXCM support, and have LOD printed and signed. But in the latest chat, without explaining why, they told me that to use SierraChart, I would need to create a new FXCM account. Don't really understand why this is ( and also why previous support charts didn't mentioned it ), since my current account its a standard account already.

I am really liking SierraCharts ( only problem is a bug that happens on wine, but not on windows, involving the trade window ), already customized it to my perfect liking, so I am a little sad that this happened.

Can you guys freeze/disable for now my remaining days of trial until I sort my broker issues ?

Congrats on the very nice software.