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Date/Time: Mon, 20 May 2024 12:32:21 +0000

Post From: Cummulative Last Size Same Price and Background

[2024-04-26 17:10:38]
User101285 - Posts: 3
On the Picture "Same Price.png" there is the white background color.

My Chart Update Interval is set to 10 miliseconds. When it goes up to maybe to 8000 miliseconds then it shows me a gray background color how i like and after a while it goes to white. On a fast market it shows the right thing. But it should be independent from the time. When the Market is slow after the 8000 miliseconds it goes to white again without any other new contract.
And the Problem is the higher the time interval is, the slower the market datafeed is. You can't trade like this if you receive the data with a delay and also the problem is when a uptick comes and the bid gets the new price and immediately there is 1 contract to sell it shows again the gray background color. It should be white because of the same price. Can you solve the problem on a new update please?

It should be like the Jigsaw DOM. There are a option called "show current trades" on the settings "depht and sales settings" then "appearance" and then there is the "show current trades" where you have to make a catch. That shown on a volumeprofile on Jigsaw but it would be nice that same seetings on the cummulative last size trade would be. Maybe someone has access to jigsaw trading an can test this. It would be great.

I am sorry for the circumstances.

Thank you very much