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Help Menu Commands that Access the Website Give an Error Message and Do Not Work

When you select Help >> Web Site or any other command on the Help menu that redirects you to the Sierra Chart Web site and you receive an error like the following:

  • http://www.sierrachart.com | Application Not Found
  • This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.

Then the reason for these errors is that either your web browser is not running or it is not properly registered on your system.

The error message you are getting comes from Windows, not from Sierra Chart. Please trust us on this. If you do not believe us, then we cannot help you and there is no point in asking us about this further.

Make certain your web browser is set as the default browser on your system. You can do that through the browser settings. For example, in Firefox select Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> General tab >> System Defaults >> Make Firefox the default browser. This will ensure your browser is properly registered.

You may need to restart your computer after setting your web browser as the default browser. If Firefox Portable is set as the default browser, then it will need to be running for these Help menu commands to work properly.

*Last modified Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023.