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Different Symbols Between Historical Charts and Data Feed

When you open a Historical chart with File >> New/Open Historical Chart or File >>Find Symbol >> Open Historical Chart, and it uses a different symbol compared to the realtime data feed you are connected to, then you will get an error message indicating you are using an unknown or invalid symbol and the last part of the chart will not be up-to-date.

To avoid this error message and to have your chart update in realtime follow these steps.

  1. Select Chart >> Chart Settings on the menu.
  2. Enter or Find the symbol from the real-time data feed which corresponds to the Historical chart symbol in the Trade and Current Quote Symbol text box.
  3. If the real-time data feed does not have a corresponding symbol, then you should uncheck the option Chart Data >> Allow Real-Time Updating of Historical Chart in Chart Settings.

*Last modified Monday, 12th September, 2022.