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Log of Changes and Improvements to Sierra Chart

This list contains major items of development, and changes and additions which users need to be informed about.

This is not a comprehensive changes and additions log. And it should never be relied upon for such. It only represents a very small percentage of the actual development being performed every day. The vast majority of development is not documented here. Or receives, one small comment after it is all complete. There are not version notes for each version. The main Sierra Chart documentation is updated as needed relating to the changes and additions.

The maintenance of this page has mostly been abandoned by Sierra Chart development for many years due to the difficulty of maintaining it and because users can be incorrectly misled by or misinterpret notes that are made here. This does not change, the development of Sierra Chart which is very active every day and new releases are made nearly weekly or several times a week. The Sierra Chart project is still very active, with extensive development and it remains a very high quality software in the world. The engineering is at the very top of the world.

  • 500 Release Date: 2009-09-16

    • Completed development of the new Trailing Stop feature. See the Order Types documentation for more informatino. We recommend using this feature at this time only in Trade Simulation mode or with a simulation account from your trading service. We have done some testing with Transact and Interactive Brokers and at this time we have not seen any problems. Nevertheless, if you do use a trading service, please use a simulation account when using trailing stops.
  • 498 Release Date: 2009-09-16

    • Corrected a problem with the Move to Breakeven Stop order type when the order is modified.
  • 497 Release Date: 2009-09-15

    • This feature has been restored, because the issue with it has been solved: When using the OpenECry service, it is now possible to be running Sierra Chart and the OEC Trader software at the same time when using the same username. You no longer need to have separate usernames. The OEC Username and Password are set under Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings.
    • Added the trailing stop types Triggered Trailing Stop and Move To Break Even Stop. The Triggered Trailing Stop can be used as either a primary order or an attached order. The Move To Break Even Stop can only be used as an attached order. These trailing stops should only be used in Trade Simulation mode until testing with live services is complete.
    • Holding down the Ctrl key while double clicking on a chart drawing will now create a copy of that chart drawing before moving or adjusting it.
  • 496 Release Date: 2009-09-11

    • Solved the problem with applying study collections saved with recent releases. You will have received an error that says "Incompatible Study Collection File" and the studies would not be applied. This problem has now been resolved.
    • It is now possible to copy chart drawings from multiple charts to a chart. In the Copy Chart Drawings From Chart #'s box on the Chart >> Chart Settings window, simply enter a comma separated list of source chart numbers. As before, it is possible to also to use a single chart number.
  • 495 Release Date: 2009-09-10

    • This version corrects several problems related to new development that has been done. An abnormal shutdown or freezing condition related to recent work on the Chart Values Window has been resolved. A problem where the Based On setting for studies would be lost after an upgrade has been resolved. A problem related to the Open E Cry interface has been resolved. This would affect data processing and connections to Open E Cry.
    • Due to some problems encountered with the feature to support sharing the same OEC username and password that you use with the OEC trader software, this change has been temporarily removed. Be sure you run version 495 or higher as there is a problem with version 493 or 494 using this feature.
  • 494 Release Date: 2009-09-09

    • Increased the number of study subgraphs from 24 to 40.
  • 493 Release Date: 2009-09-08

    • Added two new base data arrays to the ACSIL: sc.BaseData[SC_UPVOL] and sc.BaseData[SC_DOWNVOL]. These actually replace upticks and downticks that were added in version 490.
    • When using the OpenECry service, it is now possible to be running Sierra Chart and the OEC Trader software at the same time when using the same username. You no longer need to have separate usernames.
    • Corrected some problems with the Zig Zag study when using calculation mode 3. Reorganized the Zig Zag study inputs and corrected a problem with the display of the line Lengths. The documentation has been updated.
    • Added the Simple Trailing Stop Limit order type.
    • When using the Spreadsheet System for Trading Study, the Signal Only Once Per Bar input is set to Yes, and a signal is ignored because of this input setting, this condition is now logged in the Trade >> Trade Service Log.
    • A window for joining intraday data files together has been added. This can be opened with Edit >> Join Intraday Data.
    • A window for patching missing data in an intraday data file from another file has been added. This can be opened with Edit >> Patch Intraday Data.
  • 492 Release Date: 2009-09-04

    • Added redesigned trailing stop functionality. The first trailing stop type that is now available is "Simple Trailing Stop". This can be used either as an independent order or as and Attached Order. This should only be used in trade simulation mode because it has not been thoroughly tested. Within the next week, will be releasing three additional trailing stop types. This will also include a move to breakeven stop.
    • Corrected a problem with the Chart Values window not maintaining the scroll position for each individual chart.
  • 490 Release Date: 2009-09-01

    • Renamed the sg structure to sc (Sierra Chart) in all of the study source code files. sg can still be used. It is still supported. The documentation will be updated very soon.
    • Corrected a trade order price problem with the interface to IB affecting prices with smaller values. This would typically apply to stocks. They were not transmitted with the exact required format and this would cause an order price rejected error. This problem has been solved.
    • Added several menu commands to the Settings (S) menu on the Trade Window.
    • A zero level is not drawn for 2 (Fibonacci) and 3 Point Retracement and Extension tools when a level of 0 is not specified in the Tool Settings.
    • Improved handling of auto-coloring when using the fill draw styles.
    • Added a new input to the Zig Zag study: Display Length of Zig Zag Line.
    • Improved the look and layout of the Chart Values Window.
    • Updated Buffy study collections have been provided to support changes to the Fill Draw Styles for studies. If you are using a Buffy study collection, then reapply it from the Analysis menu, in order to get proper colors.
  • 489 Release Date: 2009-08-24

    • When getting order information using the ACSIL functions for getting an order, the Symbol member of s_scTradingOrderDetails no longer will have [SIM] at the beginning if the order is simulated. For more information see Getting Order Information.
    • All of the latest trading development and changes since version 471 have been tested with the Open E Cry service. No problems at this time have been found. However, Marked If Touched orders on the Open E Cry simulation environment never seem to get out of a held state. This is a server-side issue.
    • The Bid Ask Volume Bars GraphDrawType has been changed. The BidVolume and AskVolume are now colored separately on each bar. Rather than the colors for the BidVolume and AskVolume being based upon the ratio of BidVolume to AskVolume, they are now based upon the total volume of the bar relative to other bars. By default brighter colors are used when the volume of the bar is large relative to other bars. And darker colors are used when the volume is small relative to other bars. The colors can be configured in Global Settings >> Graphics Settings. They begin with Bid Ask Bar:.
    • Source code for the following studies is now included in the /ACS_Source/studies7.cpp file: Market Structure, SC Woodies Panel (This serves as a good example to create a panel of text information on the right side of the chart), Zig Zag.
    • Individual Attached Orders that are now in the All Groups OCA group, are now linked together. For example, if there is a Stop Attached Order with the OCA group All Groups and it is split into two orders because the parent has a quantity of 2 and there are two individual Limit Attached Orders, then when one of the stops is adjusted, the other one will automatically adjust as well. When one stop is canceled, then the other one will be canceled as well.
    • At this point we believe all of the major trading development and changes that has been done since version 471 has reached a stable point. However, first do trading in simulation mode and then with a simulation account with your trading service before doing live trading. This is always good practice. If we hear of no problems from users, then we will recommend this version and higher for all trading since it is much enhanced compared to version 471 and earlier.
    • Corrected several data processing problems with the interface to CTS T4. These problems would cause tick and volume overcounting. The Net Change, Daily High, Daily Low and DailyVolume data values are also now set from the data feed.
  • 488 Release Date: 2009-08-20

    • Trade confirmations now indicate whether an order is simulated or not simulated. Additionally, detached charts now indicate whether Trade Simulation mode is on and also the trade mode box on the chart also indicates if Trade Simulation mode is on.
  • 487 Release Date: 2009-08-20

    • We have performed many tests of the trading interface to IB. We corrected a problem with MIT orders. No other problems have been found.
    • Various other low level trading improvements.
  • 486 Release Date: 2009-08-19

    • Downloading of historical intraday data from DTN IQ Feed is now much more efficient. Due to new improvements with IQFeed, now only the data that is missing from the chart is downloaded. This also makes intraday data refreshes much faster. So for example, if you are missing just 10 minutes of data, then only 10 minutes worth of tick data, if you are downloading tick data, is downloaded. Whereas previously, up to one or two days of tick data would need to have been downloaded. This was simply due to prior limitations which existed with DTN IQ Feed. We have also solved a less common problem where sometimes not all historical intraday data that is missing from the chart was downloaded. This was causing a small gap of data in a chart. This problem is now solved.
  • 484 Release Date: 2009-08-17

    • For Attached Orders, when an Attached Order is set to the OCA group All Groups, then it's quantity is automatically set to the parent quantity. There is no longer a need to set it.
    • On the Attached Orders tab of the Trade Window, when changing the Offset Type between %, Ticks and Price, the offset value is automatically recalculated to match the new type.
    • We have performed testing using the trading interface in Sierra Chart with a live Transact account and a live TD Ameritrade account. At this time no problems have been found with either of these services. With either of these services we see no reason to continue to recommend using only a simulation account with this prerelease version if you need to do live trading. When using a version from 472 through 482, only simulated trading is recommended. If any problems are found, report them to Sierra Chart support.
    • Various trading related improvements. A more detailed summary will follow soon as possible.
    • Added the option Save Tool Values Window Position for Each Chart in Global Settings >> General Settings. This option is still under development.
  • 479 Release Date: 2009-08-12

    • Corrected various issues discovered with the trading interface to Interactive Brokers, during testing. These issues arose from the recent trading changes that have been made.
  • 478 Release Date: 2009-08-11

    • Corrected a long-standing problem where when using the Copy Chart Drawings From Chart # feature in Chart Settings, there would be increased CPU usage due to continuous chart redrawing. This is no longer the case. A related flicker problem has also been solved, which apparently only occurred under certain system video configurations.
    • Support for entering OCA orders independent of a parent order. You can enter a Limit and a Stop order that are in an OCA group. This is supported through the Trade Window with the OCA Stop and Limit order type and also directly from the chart by right clicking and selecting OCA Stop and Limit.
    • Various other low-level improvements with trading and in other areas.
    • Corrected a problem with attached order submission to IB and Open E Cry. This arose with the recent changes with trading functionality.
    • Added the MACD-Volume Weighted study.
    • Added up and down buttons to re-arrange the order of the files to open on startup, found in Global Settings >> General Settings.
    • Added the ability to dock the Trade Window to the chart window. This is done through the menu command Trade >> Attach Trade Window To Chart. The trade window must be open as well. This is still under development.
    • Fixed an issue from a recent pre-release where downloading more than the current day of intraday data from TD Ameritrade did not work properly.
  • 477 Release Date: 2009-08-06

    • Corrected a problem where when downloading historical intraday data from the TD Ameritrade service, not all missing historical data from the chart may have been downloaded.
    • It is now possible to save and easily load Trade Window configurations. This can be performed on the More tab of the Trade Window. This configuration includes all of your Attached Orders so you can easily switch between different configurations.
    • Updated the interface to OEC to work around historical and real-time data issues that have been experienced since the required OEC API upgrade for the simulation environment. OEC has also fixed some issues with their new server software in the simulation environment. At this time it is believed the problems that have been experienced since there new API update, are resolved. However, only time will tell.
  • 476 Release Date: 2009-08-04

    • The data error filter now works with IB True Data Symbols. These are symbols that end with -TD.
    • Various low-level trading functionality improvements.
  • 474 Release Date: 2009-08-02

    • Corrected some minor order ID issues relating to the trading functionality changes that have been made in the recent prereleases.
    • Added the Triangle Up and Triangle Down study subgraph Draw Styles. The Bill Williams Fractals study has been modified to use by default these styles.
  • 473 Release Date: 2009-08-01

    • Corrected a problem with the Trade profit/loss calculations when using the option Ignore Position Quantity for Session Profit/Loss Calculations.
  • 472 Release Date: 2009-07-31

    • Numerous low-level improvements to the trading functionality and interface to make the trading code easier to maintain, make it easier to add new trading functionality, correct some less commonly encountered issues, and make the trading features more resistant to problems with the live trading service you may be using.
    • This version has undergone extensive internal changes to the trading functionality. Therefore the trading functionality should only be used in Trade Simulation Mode or with a simulation account from your trading service, until such time that you are certain the trading functionality works properly for you. If you have any problems contact Sierra Chart Support.
    • Various improvements with the display of filled orders on the chart.
    • The ACSIL order entry functions upon return now provide the ID of the new order that can used for subsequent cancellations and modifications. This is set in the InternalOrderID member of the s_scTradingOrderInput structure.
    • The Trade Activity Log now uses multicolumn list controls on each of the tabs for better and more organized viewing of the data.
    • When a reconnection to the data feed and trade server occurs, the working orders are completely preserved. This applies to all trading services.
    • With the OEC trading service, when a parent order fills or is modified, the Attached Orders adjust to maintain the specified offsets.
    • Corrected a problem where Filled Orders for all symbols would show on a chart when Trade >> Show Filled Orders is enabled.
    • Corrected a problem where when running a high-speed backtest even when using High Accuracy, and you have tick data, there would be some inconsistencies compared to a slower speed backtest across the same time period in the chart.
    • Added the Round Study Subgraph to Tick Size study. This study will round the selected study Subgraph data to the nearest tick size value based upon the Tick Size setting in Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • Added the option Auto-Snap Extending Trendline to High/Low to Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> TrendLines.
    • Updated the Average of 2 Subgraphs study so that it is now able to use subgraphs from two different studies.
    • When moving trade order lines on the charts, they will now get adjusted to the Tick Size, when the Adjust Tool Values to Tick Size option is enabled in Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • Added the ability to specify multiple chartbook and Spreadsheet files to open on startup in Global Settings >> General Settings.
    • Various other low-level improvements.
  • 471 Release Date: 2009-07-27

    • It is now possible when using Interactive Brokers TWS, to access all orders entered from TWS and other applications in Sierra Chart. To do this, select Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings. Set the Instance # to Client ID: 0. You will need to reconnect to the data feed if you are already connected. You will be able to view, modify and cancel orders that Sierra Chart has access to.
  • 470 Release Date: 2009-07-17

    • In File >> Data/Trade Service Settings it is now possible to select an Instance # with a client ID of 0 when connecting to IB TWS. This allows Sierra Chart to have access to all orders including those orders directly entered from TWS. Additional changes will be made to support this.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 469 Release Date: 2009-07-14

    • Corrected a problem with clearing of data when using Trade >> Clear Trade Simulation Orders and Data.
    • Corrected a problem where an error message would show in certain cases when changing the order quantity from the chart. This error no longer occurs.
    • The Sierra Chart Error Filter now is able to filter data errors with IB -TD (True Data) symbols. The error filter can be configured under Global Settings >> Error Filter Settings.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 464 Release Date: 2009-06-30

    • Corrected some display issues with the Volume by Price study.
    • When you change the chart trade quantity in the chart trade mode box, it will also update the Trade Window immediately. When you change the Trade Window order quantity, it will also update the chart trade mode quantity.
    • Corrected a problem with the Zig Zag study that caused high CPU usage when using text labels.
    • Added an option to the Bill Williams Fractal Signals study to either show text labels or arrows. The new input for this is named Show Text Labels.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 460 Release Date: 2009-06-24

    • Corrected a problem where the Trade Window would show the Internal Position for the Service position display when service position data was not available. It should have shown no position. This has been now corrected.
    • There is now a setting under Global Settings >> Trade Settings to set how many days of Trade Activity Log data that you want to store. This information is saved when you exit Sierra Chart. It is saved in an XML file. This now enables you to view filled orders from prior sessions on the chart even after you restart Sierra Chart.
    • There is now a setting under Global Settings >> Trade Settings to save the Internal Positions data between Sierra Chart sessions. When this option is enabled, then Internal Positions data is saved between Sierra Chart sessions and will be restored when you start Sierra Chart.
    • The Volume By Price study now has reduced CPU usage.
    • Other low-level improvements.
  • 457 Release Date: 2009-06-22

    • Corrected an issue with the entry of Stop Limit orders from the chart. This issue arose in version 423 with the new feature to display filled orders on the chart.
    • Added a feature to maintain a constant relationship between the Time and Values scales. This feature is called X & Y Constant Relationship, and it can be set by either going to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Scale, or by right-clicking in the Values Scale area. When this feature is enabled, changing the bar spacing will also change the Values Scale, and changing the Values Scale will also change the bar spacing. Enabling the X & Y Constant Relationship will also set the Scale Range Type to Constant Range, as that is the only scale type that supports this feature. This feature requires a software service package that includes the Advanced Features.
    • Added the ability to display % labels on the Fibonacci time zone lines. To enable this, select Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> Fib Time Zones >> Display % labels on the lines.
    • The DOM Depth values on the Values scale on the right of the chart and the DOM Graph on the chart now display correctly when the chart is using a Price Multiplier other than 1.
    • Added support for the CTS T4 trading platform. At this time, real-time data is fully supported, however trading is not yet complete. For more information on this, see this topic on the support board: Support for CTS T4 Trading Platform.
    • Added the ability to display a values scale on the left-hand side of the chart, in addition to the values scale on the right-hand side of the chart. This can be enabled in Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Left Hand Scale. If there is a study in a chart region that uses a different scale type from the primary scale type of that region, then the left-hand scale will display the secondary scale values. This feature requires a service package level that includes Special Features.
    • Added a toolbar button for the new Hand tool. You can add this button to your toolbar by going to Global Settings >> Customize Toolbar.
  • 455 Release Date: 2009-06-17

    • Updated the Spreadsheet component to a new version. This version supports the Microsoft Excel Analysis Tool Pack functions (93 new functions), CSV and text files, and auto-filling by dragging the lower-right corner of the Spreadsheet highlight box. Refer to our Spreadsheet Functions documentation page for the new functions.
  • 454 Release Date: 2009-06-16

    • Corrected a problem with the option "jump to end of all charts when Global Cursor is on and tool is deactivated" for the Chart Values tool where it would not function properly.
    • Improved the Pivot Points-Daily study to always provide consistent values in all cases when there may be incomplete data in the chart.
    • Added an extra subgraph to the Squeeze Indicator 2 study called Signal Values. This subgraph is not drawn, but it's values are set to 1 when the Squeeze Dots are colored outside, and 0 when they are inside. This is to make it easier to base alert conditions off of this study.
    • Added the ability to draw text labels for the line transition points of the Zig Zag study. Use the inputs: Display Reversal Price and Length of Zig Zag Line, Display HH,HL,LL,LH Labels. The Text Labels subgraph is used to control the color and the font height for the labels.
    • Added sc.SwingHigh and sc.SwingLow functions to the ACSIL.
    • Added color coding of the position line. This can be configured in Global Settings >> Trade Settings >> Chart Trade Settings >> Line Configuration.
    • Added a new calculation mode to the ZigZag study. To use this, set the new Use ZigZag Calculation Mode Based on Number of Bars input to Yes, and also set the next two inputs after that.
    • Added alert options to the main price graph in Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • Various low-level improvements.
  • 450 Release Date: 2009-06-11

    • Added Reset at Session Start Time option to the Cumulative Sum Of Study study.
    • Added the scale command Auto Scale the ChartDOM. What this does is changes the value scale to a constant range that will show every price level in the values scale area without any overlap. To perform this action, right click in the values scale area, and select Auto Scale the ChartDOM. This option is only enabled when Trade >> Show Chart DOM is enabled, and the Tick Size in Chart >> Chart Settings must be set properly.
    • When printing a candlestick graph, candles with white as the fill color are left as white, instead of being shaded.
    • Updated the Bid Volume vs. Ask Volume study to use the last non-zero value when calculating the difference.
    • The Chart DOM Depth Lines are now shaded lighter for each DOM level away form the best price.
    • Added the Hand tool. This tool is designed to easily scroll the chart back and forth short distances. The Hand tool is available on the menu under Tools >> Hand. To use this tool, click once on the chart and move your mouse to the left and to the right, and the chart will follow. Click again to de-activate the Hand tool.
    • Added an option to show or hide the volume numbers on the DOM Graph. Settings for the DOM Graph can be found in Chart >> Chart Settings.
    • Added the option Open the Trade Service Log when a new message is added to Trade >> Global Trade Settings.
    • Added a toolbar button for Undo Erase ChartDrawing. You can set this to be shown in your toolbar by going to Global Settings >> Customize Toolbar.
    • The option to start market depth updates in Chart >> Chart Settings was not being loaded properly. This has been fixed.
    • Added support for displaying the Bid Volume and the Ask Volume in the chart header. You can add these values to the chart header by going to Global Settings >> Customize Chart Header.
    • Added an option to the Chart Values tool to show the Tool Values Window when the Chart Values tool is active on the chart. You can find this setting in Tools >> Tool Settings >> Chart Values >> Show/Hide Tool Values Window When Tool Activated/Deactivated.
    • Added Point On Low and Point On High draw styles. These draw styles will draw a point at the high or the low of the bar on the base graph when the value of the subgraph that's using the draw style is non-zero.
    • Added support for coloring base graph draw types: Box, Point & Figure, Point & Figure XO, and Kagi.
    • Added the option Use GMT Time to the Write Bar Data To File study.
    • Added the ability to change the colors in the Squeeze Indicator 2 study. The colors can be set through the subgraphs Momentum HISTOGRAM Up Colors and Momentum HISTOGRAM Down Colors.
    • Added the sc.ChartBarSpacing member to the ACSIL, which is set to the bar spacing as seen on the chart. This is one less than the number of pixels from one bar to the next. This is a read-only variable.
    • Modified the Point & Figure study. Added the input Adjust High/Low of Last Bar to Match Last Price.

*Last modified Thursday, 25th April, 2024.