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Working with the SCDateTime Variables and Values


The SCDateTime data type is used for Date-Time values in the ACSIL (Advanced Custom Study Interface and Language).

The internal representation of Date-Time values in this data type is exactly the same as the Date-Time values used in Microsoft Excel and Libre Office Calc.

There are various independent global functions and member functions of the SCDateTime type which makes it easy to work with these values. This page documents these functions.

SCDateTime Variables

A SCDateTime variable contains a Date and Time value as a 64-bit integer. The external interface of SCDateTime.

The ACSIL arrays sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] and sc.DateTimeOut[] are of the SCDateTime type.

A SCDateTime variable can be locally defined within an ACSIL study function.

Refer to the examples given below.

Throughout the documentation and examples you will see the variable, SCDateTimeVariable being used. These variables are of the SCDateTime type.

The following operators are supported with SCDateTime variables: = , += , -= , == , != ,< , <= , > , >=.

A SCDateTime variable contains a number which represents a Date and Time. The Date is represented by the integer portion of this number and the Time is represented by the fractional portion of the number.

Example Code

SCDateTime MySCDateTime; //Locally defined SCDateTime variable.

//MySCDateTime will contain, with this function call, the specified date time.
MySCDateTime.SetDateTimeYMDHMS(2007, 1, 30, 16, 10, 0);

int Hour, Minute, Second;
sc.BaseDateTimeIn[].GetTimeHMS(Hour, Minute, Second);

sc.DateTimeOut[DestinationIndex] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[SourceIndex];

SCDateTimeMS Variables

A SCDateTimeMS variable contains a Date and Time value as a 64-bit integer. It is identical to and supports the same member functions as SCDateTime Variables.

SCDateTimeMS variables can be assigned to persistent variables by using the sc.GetPersistentSCDateTime and sc.SetPersistentSCDateTime functions.

As of version 2196, the SCDateTime and SCDateTimeMS Date-Time classes used within ACSIL and Sierra Chart are now exactly the same. SCDateTime now functions exactly like SCDateTimeMS where when comparisons are done, they are done to the microsecond rather than to the second. And there is no longer any internal rounding to the nearest second in SCDateTime for functions which would previously do this like SCDateTime::GetTime.

Instead the GetTime function will simply remove any microseconds component and just return number of seconds since midnight. Whereas previously SCDateTime would round to the nearest second.

Date Values

Date values are integer (int) values representing the number of days since December 30, 1899.

You can get a Date Value from a SCDateTime variable by using the GetDate() member function.

You can set the date part of a SCDateTime variable by using the SetDate() member function. Or by constructing a SCDateTime and specifying the date value for the first parameter and 0 for the second parameter (time value). Example: SCDateTime DateVariable(DateValue, 0);.

You can construct a Date Value from Year, Month, Day components by using the SetDateYMD() function on a SCDateTime variable, and deconstruct a Date Value using the GetDateYMD() function on a SCDateTime variable.

Time Values

Time Values are integer (int) values representing the number of seconds since midnight (00:00).

You can get a Time Value from a SCDateTime variable by using the GetTimeInSeconds() member function.

You can set the time part of a SCDateTime variable from an integer time value by using the SetTime() member function. Or by constructing a SCDateTime and specifying 0 for the first parameter (date value) and the time value for the second parameter. Example: SCDateTime DateVariable(0, 720);. 720 means 720 seconds from midnight.

You can construct a Time Value from Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond components by using the SCDateTime::SetTimeHMS_MS() function, and get the individual Time Value components by using the SCDateTime::GetTimeHMS() function.

To compare the time components of two different SCDateTime variables with precision to the second, get the time values from them by using the GetTimeInSeconds() function and compare those time values.

The internal time value of an SCDateTime can represent milliseconds/microseconds. There are corresponding member functions for these.

Valid Ranges

The valid ranges for the Date and Time components in a SCDateTime variable are:

  • Year: Four digit year. Example: 2012.
  • Month: 1 through 12.
  • Day: 1 through [days in month].
  • Hour: 0 through 23.
  • Minute: 0 through 59.
  • Second: 0 through 59.
  • Millisecond: 0 through 999. (Currently used only as a counter for trades within the same second. Does not represent actual milliseconds.)
  • Microsecond: 0 through 999. (Not currently supported)

SCDateTime Member Functions


Type: SCDateTime member function.

double GetAsDouble();

GetAsDouble() returns the internal Date-Time value as a double precision floating point value. This can be used to store the value externally.

This double precision floating point value can be passed to the SCDateTime constructor to create a new SCDateTime from it.

For a complete explanation of the Date component of this value, refer to Date Value. The date value is the integer portion of the double. The fractional portion is the Time value which is represented as a fraction of one day where 1/86400000 is 1 millisecond. 86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day.

Example Code

const double DateTimeDouble = SCDateTimeVariable.GetAsDouble();


Type: SCDateTime member function.

int GetDate();

GetDate() returns the date part of the SCDateTime variable. The value returned is a Date Value.

Example Code

int Date = SCDateTimeVariable.GetDate();


Type: SCDateTime member function

void GetDateTimeYMDHMS(int& Year, int& Month, int& Day, int& Hour, int& Minute, int& Second);

GetDateTimeYMDHMS() gets the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second components of the SCDateTime variable. The function will set the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second variables provided as parameters.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second;

SCDateTimeVariable.GetDateTimeYMDHMS(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second);


Type: SCDateTime member function

void GetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS(int& Year, int& Month, int& Day, int& Hour, int& Minute, int& Second, int& MilliSecond);

GetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS() gets the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond components of the SCDateTime variable. The function will set the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, and MilliSecond variables provided as parameters.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond;

SCDateTimeVariable.GetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSecond);


Type: SCDateTime member function

void GetDateYMD(int& Year, int& Month, int& Day);

GetDateYMD() gets the year, month, and day components of the SCDateTime variable.

The function will set the Year, Month, and Day variables provided as parameters.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Year = 0;
int Month = 0;
int Day = 0;            
SCDateTimeVariable.GetDateYMD(Year, Month, Day);


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetDay();

GetDay() returns an integer value representing the day of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Day = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDay();     


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetDayOfWeek();

The GetDayOfWeek() function returns the day of the week for the SCDateTime variable.

The return value will be one of the following:


Example Code

if (SCDateTimeVariable.GetDayOfWeek() == MONDAY)
    // SCDateTimeVariable is a Monday


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetTimeHMS(int& Hour, int& Minute, int& Second);

sc.GetTimeHMS() gets the Hour, Minute, and Second components of the internal Time Value of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Hour = 0;
int Minute = 0;
int Second = 0;

SCDateTimeVariable.GetTimeHMS(Hour, Minute, Second);


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetHour();

GetHour() returns an integer value representing the hour of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Hour = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetHour();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetMicroSecond();

GetMicroSecond() returns an integer value representing the microsecond of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int MicroSecond = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetMicroSecond();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetMillisecond();

GetMillisecond() returns the milliseconds portion of the Date-Time variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int MilliSecond = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetMillisecond();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetMinute();

GetMinute() returns an integer value representing the minute of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Minute = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetMinute();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetMonth();

GetMonth() returns an integer value representing the month of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Month = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetMonth();       


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetSecond();

GetSecond() returns an integer value representing the second of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Second = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetSecond();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetTimeInMilliseconds();

GetTimeInMilliseconds() returns the time part of the SCDateTime variable in milliseconds since midnight.

The internal time value is rounded to the nearest millisecond if it contains microseconds.

Example Code

int TimeInMilliseconds = SCDateTimeVariable.GetTimeInMilliseconds();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetTimeInSeconds();

GetTimeInSeconds() returns the time part of the SCDateTime variable in seconds. The value returned is a Time Value.

Example Code

int TimeInSeconds = SCDateTimeVariable.GetTimeInSeconds();


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime GetTimeAsSCDateTime();

GetTimeAsSCDateTime() returns the time part of the SCDateTime variable. The value returned is a SCDateTime variable.

Example Code

SCDateTime TimeOnly = SCDateTimeVariable.GetTimeAsSCDateTime();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetTimeInSecondsWithoutMilliseconds();

GetTimeInSecondsWithoutMilliseconds() returns the time part of the SCDateTime variable without the milliseconds part. The value returned is a Time Value.

The millisecond/microsecond component is discarded so that the value is truncated to the containing second.

Example Code

int Time = SCDateTimeVariable.GetTimeInSecondsWithoutMilliseconds();


Type: SCDateTime member function

int GetYear();

GetYear() returns an integer value representing the year of the SCDateTime variable.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for the range of values returned.

Example Code

int Year = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetYear();            


Type: SCDateTime member function

int IsSaturday();

IsSaturday() returns an boolean value (true or false) depending on whether the day of the week for the SCDateTime variable is SATURDAY.


Type: SCDateTime member function

int IsSunday();

IsSunday() returns an boolean value (true or false) depending on whether the day of the week for the SCDateTime variable is SUNDAY.


Type: SCDateTime member function

int IsWeekend();

IsWeekend() returns an boolean value (true or false) depending on whether the day of the week for the SCDateTime variable is a weekend day (SATURDAY or SUNDAY).


Type: SCDateTime member function

void RoundDateTimeDownToMilliSecond();

The RoundDateTimeDownToMilliSecond() function rounds down the Date-Time value contained within the SCDateTime variable to the millisecond and removes the microseconds. Therefore, the microseconds will be zero.

Example Code

SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];


Type: SCDateTime member function

void RoundDateTimeDownToMinute();

The RoundDateTimeDownToMinute() function rounds down the Date-Time value contained within the SCDateTime variable to the minute and removes the seconds. Therefore, the seconds will be zero.

Example Code

SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];


Type: SCDateTime member function

void RoundDateTimeDownToSecond();

The RoundDateTimeDownToSecond() function rounds down the Date-Time value contained within the SCDateTime variable to the second and removes the milliseconds. Therefore, the milliseconds will be zero.

Example Code

SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];


Type: SCDateTime member function

void RoundToNearestMilliSecond();

The RoundToNearestMilliSecond() function rounds the Date-Time value contained within the SCDateTime variable to the nearest millisecond and removes the microseconds. Therefore, the microseconds will be zero.

Example Code

SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];


Type: SCDateTime member function

void RoundToNearestSecond();

The RoundToNearestSecond() function rounds the Date-Time value contained within the SCDateTime variable to the nearest second and removes the milliseconds. Therefore, the milliseconds will be zero.

Example Code

SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];

SCDateTime() Constructors

Type: SCDateTime constructor.


SCDateTime(double DateTime );

SCDateTime(const SCDateTime & DateTime);

SCDateTime(int DateValue, int TimeValue);

SCDateTime(int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int Millisecond);

SCDateTime(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute, int Second);

SCDateTime() is the constructor function that constructs and initializes a SCDateTime variable. Using the different constructors, it is supported to assign the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond values to the SCDateTime variable. Or a Date Value or Time Value.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used for the parameters.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTime(2017, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0);
SCDateTime DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetDate(int Date);

SetDate() sets the date part of the SCDateTime variable with the given Date. Date must be given as a Date Value.

The existing time portion of the SCDateTime variable is preserved when using the SetDate()function.

Example Code

SCDateTime SCDateTimeVariable;


Type: SCDateTime member function

int SetDateTime(int Date, int Time);

SetDateTime() sets the SCDateTime variable with the given Date and Time components. Date must be given as a Date Value, and Time must be given as a Time Value.

Example Code

r_StopDateTime.SetDateTime(sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate(), Input_StopTime.GetTime());


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetDateTimeYMDHMS(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute, int Second);

SetDateTimeYMDHMS() sets the SCDateTime variable with the given Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second components.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used.

Example Code

SCDateTimeVariable.SetDateTimeYMDHMS(2007, 1, 30, 16, 10, 0);


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int MilliSecond);

SetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS() sets the SCDateTime variable with the given Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, and MilliSecond components.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used.

Example Code

SCDateTimeVariable.SetDateTimeYMDHMS_MS(2007, 1, 30, 16, 10, 0, 0);


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetDateYMD(int Year, int Month, int Day);

SetDateYMD() sets the date part of the SCDateTime variable with the given Year, Month, and Day components.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used.

Example Code

SCDateTimeVariable.SetDateYMD(2007, 1, 30);


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetTime(int Time);

The SetTime() function sets the time part, in seconds, of the SCDateTime variable with the given Time. Time must be given as a Time Value.

The existing date portion of the SCDateTime variable is preserved when using the SetTime()function.

Example Code

SCDateTime TimeValue(16, 14, 59, 0);//Construct a time value



Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetTimeHMS(int Hour, int Minute, int Second);

SetTimeHMS() sets the time part of the SCDateTime variable with the given Hour, Minute, and Second components. The existing date in the variable is not changed and left as is.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used.

Example Code

SCDateTimeVariable.SetTimeHMS(16, 10, 0);


Type: SCDateTime member function

SCDateTime& SetTimeHMS_MS(int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int MilliSecond);

SetTimeHMS_MS() sets the time part of the SCDateTime variable with the given Hour, Minute, Second, and MilliSecond components. The existing date in the variable is not changed and left as is.

Refer to the Valid Ranges section for valid values that can be used.

Example Code

SCDateTimeVariable.SetTimeHMS_MS(16, 10, 0, 0);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& DAYS(int Days);

The DAYS() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of days according to the specified number of days.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::DAYS(5);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& YEARS(int Years);

The YEARS() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of years according to the specified number of years.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::YEARS(5);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& HOURS(int Hours);

The HOURS() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of hours according to the specified number of hours.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::HOURS(5);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& MINUTES(int Minutes);

The MINUTES() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of minutes according to the specified number of minutes.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::MINUTES(5);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& SECONDS(int Seconds);

The SECONDS() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of seconds according to the specified number of seconds.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::SECONDS(5);


Type: SCDateTime static member function

static SCDateTime& MILLISECONDS(int Milliseconds);

The MILLISECONDS() static member function constructs and returns an SCDateTime variable containing the number of milliseconds according to the specified number of milliseconds.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::MILLISECONDS(5);


Type: SCDateTime member operator

const SCDateTime& +=(const SCDateTime& DateTime);

The += member operator adds the given DateTime parameter to the existing Date-Time value in the SCDateTime object it is called in relation to.

The given DateTime parameter usually will represent a certain amount of time, like for example 1 hour, and not represent a particular absolute Date-Time.

Example Code

SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable += SCDateTime::YEARS(5);


Type: SCDateTime member operator

const SCDateTime& -=(const SCDateTime& DateTime);

The -= member operator subtracts the given DateTime parameter to the existing Date-Time value in the SCDateTime object it is called in relation to.

The given DateTime parameter usually will represent a certain amount of time, like for example 1 hour, and not represent a particular absolute Date-Time.

Example Code

SCDateTime Time(1, 10, 0, 0); //1 Hour and 10 Minutes.
SCDateTime DateTimeVariable;
DateTimeVariable -= Time;

Date and Time Functions


Type: Function

int DaysInDateSpanNotIncludingWeekends(int FirstDate, int LastDate)

The DaysInDateSpanNotIncludingWeekends() function calculates the number of days within the date span specified by the FirstDate and the LastDate parameters, not including Saturday and Sunday.

The calculation includes both of these dates as well. Both of these parameters are Date Values.

Example Code

int NumberOfDays = DaysInDateSpanNotIncludingWeekends(sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index - 100].GetDate(), sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate());

Working With SCDateTime Arrays

When working with the sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] array, you can use different methods for getting the date and/or time parts from elements in the array. These methods are given below.

Using the GetDate() and GetTimeInSeconds() member functions of a SCDateTime variable

// Get the date of the bar at the current index
int CurrentBarDate = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate();

// Get the time of the bar at the current index
int CurrentBarTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetTimeInSeconds();

Using the DateAt() and TimeAt() member functions of a SCDateTime array

// Get the date of the bar at the current index
int CurrentBarDate = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.DateAt(sc.Index);

// Get the time of the bar at the current index
int CurrentBarTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.TimeAt(sc.Index);			

Using the [] array operator on the sc.BaseDateTimeIn SCDateTime array to get the Date and Time

if (sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index] - sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index - 1] > SCDateTime::MINUTES(1))
	// The current bar being processed has a Date-Time which is more than one minute later than the prior bar Date-Time.


Type: SCDateTimeArray member function

int DateAt(int Index);

DateAt() returns the date part of the SCDateTime variable at the given Index in the SCDateTime array. The value returned is a Date Value.

Example Code

// Get the date at the current index
int Date = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.DateAt(sc.Index);


Type: SCDateTimeArray member function

int TimeAt(int Index);

TimeAt() returns the time part of the SCDateTime variable at the given Index in the SCDateTime array. The value returned is a Time Value.

Example Code

// Get the time at the current index
int Time = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.TimeAt(sc.Index);


Type: SCDateTimeArray member function

int SetDateAt(int Index, int Date);

SetDateAt() sets the date part of the DateTime variable at the given Index in the SCDateTime array. Date must be given as a Date Value. The value returned is the same value that is passed in for Date. This function must not be used on the sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] array. The only array you'll probably ever use this on is the sc.DateTimeOut[] array.

Example Code

// Set the date for a custom chart bar
int Date = sc.DateTimeOut.SetDateAt(CustomIndex,sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate());


Type: SCDateTimeArray member function

int SetTimeAt(int Index, int Time);

SetTimeAt() sets the time part of the DateTime variable at the given Index in the SCDateTime array. Time must be given as a Time Value. The value returned is the same value that is passed in for Time. This function must not be used on the sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] array. The only array you will need to use this on is the sc.DateTimeOut[] array.

Example Code

// Set the time for a custom chart bar
int Time = sc.DateTimeOut.SetTimeAt(CustomIndex,sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetTimeInSeconds());

Using References

The SCDateTime reference type, SCDateTimeArrayRef, can be used to set a reference to a SCDateTimeArray array to simplify writing code. See the example below.

Example Code

SCDateTimeArrayRef DateTimes = sc.BaseDateTimeIn;
int Time;
Time = DateTimes[sc.Index].GetTimeInSeconds();

Date and Time Math

SCDateTime Variable Documentation

Adding 30 seconds to a SCDateTime variable


Subtracting 5 minutes from a SCDateTime variable


Adding 1 hour to a SCDateTime variable


Adding 1 day to a SCDateTime variable


Adding 1 week to a SCDateTime variable


Adding 1 year to a SCDateTime variable


*Last modified Thursday, 30th May, 2024.