Sierra Chart Image Upload Service
The Image Upload Service creates chart images and allows sharing them easily.
The image format is PNG ( Portable Network Graphics). This is a lossless format which maintains 100% image quality.
On the Edit >> Screen Image submenu you will find the Available Commands which are used to upload an image to the Sierra Chart server. In the case of a Trading DOM window, the supported commands are on the Chart menu.
After the upload, a window will display confirming the upload. Press the Yes button to copy the URL (website hyper link) of that image to your systems clipboard. You can then paste the link anywhere you need to, such as an e-mail message or a Sierra Chart Support Board message.
Available Commands
The following list contains all of the commands on the Edit >> Screen Image submenu.
Upload Chart
This command will upload an image of the chart currently in view. This will not include any windows which are overlaid on top of the chart. Example
Upload Chart with Overlays
This command will upload an image of the chart currently in view with all windows above it. Example
Upload Main Window Image
This command will upload an image of the Sierra Chart main window.
Send Chart to Support
This command will upload an image of the chart currently in view, and automatically send a copy to Sierra Chart support along with your account name. Do not use this command unless requested to by Sierra Chart support.
Send Main Window Image to Support
This command will upload an image of the Sierra Chart main window and automatically send a copy to Sierra Chart support along with your account name. Do not use this command unless requested to by Sierra Chart support.
Open Upload Log
This command opens the log file of all uploaded images. You will see a list of hyperlinks that you can copy and paste into your browser's address bar, to view the images.
Image Management
To manage the images which have been uploaded, select Help >> Account Control Panel on the Sierra Chart menu.
On the displayed webpage click on Manage Images.
On the Manage Images page you will be able to view, delete and add notes to images.
There are two options for sharing the uploaded images, either a link to the image itself or a link to a page with that image and the note that you set on the Manage Images webpage. Both links are available beside every image on the Manage Images webpage.
A direct link to an image.
A link to an image with the note.
Saving Images To Your Computer
Saving images locally to your computer is also supported using the following commands on the Edit >> Screen Image submenu.
These images are saved into the Sierra Chart /Images folder. This is a subfolder in the folder where Sierra Chart is installed to on your system.
Save Chart to File
This command saves the currently active chart image to a PNG file. The saved file will be located in the /Images subfolder. The name of the file will be the chart name which consists of the symbol, the timeframe per chart bar, and the chart number. The filename also contains a timestamp number.
Save Chart to File with Header
This command saves the currently active chart image to a PNG file. A header image is added to the top of the chart image. The header needs to be a file named CustomHeader.png in the /Images folder. The saved file will be located in the /Images subfolder. The name of the file will be the chart name which consists of the symbol, the timeframe per chart bar, and the chart number. The filename also contains a timestamp number.
*Last modified Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023.