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Data And Trading Service Provider Integration with Sierra Chart

Integration Methods to Sierra Chart
Sierra Chart supports the open specification DTC Protocol.
If you are a Data or Trading service provider and your services support the DTC Protocol, Sierra Chart will automatically be compatible with your systems.
For the documentation for the protocol, refer to http://dtcprotocol.org/.
Sierra Chart can also integrate to your Data or Trading service using the following message/communication protocols and data formats: FIX, HTTP, JSON, XML, proprietary or comma delimited data formats. Both secure TLS and nonsecure connections are supported.
Once integration is done using either of the 2 above methods, Sierra Chart has the systems and ability to redistribute your real-time and historical market data through our own systems if agreed upon. This means that we will only maintain 1 or 2 market data connections to your systems and redistribute the data through our own systems.
Trading from Sierra Chart client instances can either go direct to your own server or they will go through a central managed server we provide.
By using a market data connection to your system, Sierra Chart can also maintain historical Intraday and Daily market data for Sierra Chart users. We much prefer to maintain historical data for our customers. It is much faster and more reliable than anything else out there. We will always do a far superior job for this as compared to anyone else.
Sierra Chart Customization for Your Service
If you are an established Data or Trading service, and you write a server which follows the DTC Protocol, contact us at [Java Script Is Required. To View The Email, enable Java Script] so we can add a custom listed service within Sierra Chart that connects to your service using this protocol.
General Steps to Perform Integration to Sierra Chart
Sierra Chart supports the DTC protocol for market data and trading. This allows you to develop a server that follows this communication protocol to provide Sierra Chart market data and to allow Sierra Chart to place trading orders and receive all of the trading related updates.
Here is information about and documentation for the DTC protocol:https://dtcprotocol.org/
And then you would use the DTC test client in Sierra Chart for testing:https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/DTC_TestClient.php
There is no need to provide historical price data from your server. We will record that in our own servers from your real-time data and provide that from our own servers. We do not want you to develop historical price data support because our historical data system is going to be better than anything else.
When you are done we will set up a custom listed service in Sierra Chart for your services.
You will need to create a Sierra Chart account https://www.sierrachart.com/RegisterStep1.php
Do that and let us know the account name.
*Last modified Friday, 21st January, 2022.