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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:57:51 +0000

hide candles

View Count: 1506

[2014-09-29 20:35:51]
User57562 - Posts: 98
Did not find answer via search.
One can selectively hide chart studies.
Is there any easy way to temporarily hide the main candles, so the studies can be studied?
A tedious way, probably, is to change the up/down colors to match background, but that could
obscure the studies to be studied.
[2014-09-30 02:14:54]
mkata - Posts: 103
Hit F5 for Chart Settings then change the Graph Draw Type to "Blank" (its at the bottom).
[2014-09-30 06:03:19]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes. Chart >> Graph Draw Types >> Blank
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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