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Date/Time: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 08:30:58 +0000

How to use GDI to draw text with transparent background?

View Count: 209

[2024-05-26 22:43:39]
User719512 - Posts: 250
How to use GDI to draw text with transparent background?
Should you be able to specify a NULL background?

sc.Graphics.DrawTextAt(msg, x_coordinate, y_coordinate);

Also, does the sc.Graphics.SetTextColor support setting an Alpha value?

// nothing like this seems to have an effect
n_ACSIL::s_GraphicsPen nullPen;
nullPen.m_PenStyle = n_ACSIL::s_GraphicsPen::e_PenStyle::PEN_STYLE_NULL;
n_ACSIL::s_GraphicsBrush nullBrush;
nullBrush.m_BrushType = n_ACSIL::s_GraphicsBrush::BRUSH_TYPE_STOCK;
nullBrush.m_BrushStockType = NULL_BRUSH;

GraphicsColor_Foreground.Color.RGB.Alpha = 128;
GraphicsColor_Foreground.Color.RGB.Red = 0;
GraphicsColor_Foreground.Color.RGB.Green = 128;
GraphicsColor_Foreground.Color.RGB.Blue = 0;

[2024-05-27 10:01:02]
User431178 - Posts: 522
How to use GDI to draw text with transparent background?


[2024-05-27 14:20:59]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16738
Yes this is correct:


Also, does the sc.Graphics.SetTextColor support setting an Alpha value?

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