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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:27:19 +0000

Missing data on TPO chart

View Count: 143

[2024-04-24 23:26:17]
User609927 - Posts: 7
I'm missing data on my TPO chart. I have disconnected then reconnected my data, I've also updated my SC to the latest version. I've
attached screenshots of my TPO chart and the settings.

Private File
[2024-04-24 23:26:54]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Duplicate the TPO chart and then remove the TPO profiles and see what the underlying data looks like. Most likely there is a difference in the Session Times that is causing the missing data.
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[2024-04-25 18:20:27]
User609927 - Posts: 7
I removed the TPO profile from the chart, the underlying data looks correct. I'm central time zone in the US, the time on
my chart settings is correct. The time on my TPO chart looks correct to me. I've attached screenshots, do see anything
wrong in my session times?

Private File
[2024-04-25 21:27:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Does the underlying data in that chart go to the price level that you show in your original post?

The latest post does not have the image of the first part of the TPO settings. Make sure you are including the overnight data in the TPO chart (i.e. check the Input for "Exclude Evening Session Profile Except for Last Day"):
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Exclude Evening Session Profiles Except For Last Day
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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