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Date/Time: Sat, 11 May 2024 05:57:40 +0000

[User Discussion] - Suite of Backtests

View Count: 92

[2024-04-16 21:15:36]
skalaydzhiyski - Posts: 16
HI guys,

I am interested in doing a multitude of backtests on a strategy.

Option 1: Let's say my strategy is built entirely using ACSIL and I want to run a backtest on a number of dates and on a number of intstruments.

Ex: date ranges = [2020-01-01/2020-01-10, 2020-03-01/2020-03-30, etc..] (this list can have up to 100 date ranges)
instruments = [GOOG, NVDA, TSLA, etc..] (this list can have up to a 100 instruments)

all backtests = 10000

I don't need to render the trades nor see the charts, I just need to compute some statistics about the performance and evaluate my strategy. Can this be done from Sierra ?

Option 2: If it cannot be done through Sierra natively, I can do the backtests from backtrader using Python/Pandas/Numpy/etc.., but the only problem is the following:
I will need to write the data I need into a csv from ACSIL, which I presume still means I need to apply the study which would produce the csv to 10000 charts.

Is it possible to do this in Sierra ?

I understand that 10000 is a bit big, but even a 100 would be great (5 instruments 20 intervals each or smth)

All the best,
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-04-16 21:20:08

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