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Date/Time: Wed, 01 May 2024 11:47:48 +0000

Live trades on one instance are being referred to a sub-instance

View Count: 95

[2024-04-08 20:14:03]
User414533 - Posts: 89
They both share the same account. Do I need to have a separate account for each algo/instance, or can multiple algos/instances trade on one account?

Essentially, a trade occurred on the parent instance, and then when I switched a sub-instance to LIVE, the account on the parent appeared on the sub.
[2024-04-08 22:43:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 31240
Sub-instances use the Main Instance for their information. So whatever trading accounts are available to the Main Instance will also be available in the Sub-Instance.

In the end, you need to have separate trading accounts in order to trade different ways at the same time for the same symbol.
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[2024-04-09 04:15:51]
User414533 - Posts: 89
I do have separate accounts for trades that occur in conflicting directions. But are you saying that regardless of conflicting directions or not, I need separate accounts assigned to each algo/study I run?

I demo-tested dozens of algos running simultaneously on several parent and dozens of sub-instances and was able to run algos autonomously from each other (sharing the same demo account). It was only when I switched to a live account that the orders started getting copied over to instances where the trade didn't originate from.
[2024-04-09 14:08:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 31240
I do have separate accounts for trades that occur in conflicting directions. But are you saying that regardless of conflicting directions or not, I need separate accounts assigned to each algo/study I run?

If they are for the same symbol - yes. Otherwise there is no way to differentiate the orders and everything will get muddled together.

I demo-tested dozens of algos running simultaneously on several parent and dozens of sub-instances and was able to run algos autonomously from each other (sharing the same demo account). It was only when I switched to a live account that the orders started getting copied over to instances where the trade didn't originate from.

If you were running in Simulation mode, then each instance does stand on its own. A closer test to live trading would have been to have the main instance in Simulation Mode and the sub-instances not in Simulation mode, then the sub-instances would send the orders to the main instance.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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