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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:45:27 +0000

Prevent Recalculation

View Count: 372

[2024-02-09 13:06:49]
maxpi - Posts: 175
I adjust an input to a study on chart B and chart A recalculates. The log lists chart A and says "performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged". Is there a way to not have chart A recalculate?
[2024-02-09 15:37:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
This means that you have a study that references Chart B on Chart A, which is why a change to Chart B causes Chart A to recalculate. This could be a Study/Price Overlay, or some other study that is getting data from the other chart. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Determining References to Chart
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[2024-02-10 00:03:50]
maxpi - Posts: 175
The link is to instructions regarding the old chart settings. What I am after is a way to prevent the recalculation: I would like to inhibit the recalculation of chart A with ACSIL or a setting.

What all will cause a reference? If chart A places a drawing on chart B will they be referenced? If A places a persistent variable? If B reads a persistent variable on A? If A uses the basegraph data from B?
[2024-02-10 22:30:54]
User61168 - Posts: 369
sharing my frustration with the lack of understanding under what all conditions/scenarios do I need to do a recalculation. Documentation is quite light-weight in regards to using the "Chart Recalculation-Periodic" study which is frankly not a realistic solution to use during backtesting with large tick dataset.

Could we please improve documentation and list exact use cases/scenarios which require a chart auto-recalculation? I am mostly using single chart with high/low of time period, horizontal line at time, "trading:" studies and a bunch of alert formulas.

Edit: we need a utility to alert us exactly when a Periodic recalculation is warranted. Currently, there is no way to tell if the trading strategy will produce reliable results. There are no errors generated that I am aware of.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-10 22:33:28
[2024-02-12 15:38:47]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
You can not inhibit a recalculation of a chart if there is a reference to it. The reference is forcing the chart to recalculate because there is something changing in Chart B for which Chart A then has to be recalculated.

Although the image in the documentation we sent you to is the old interface, the information is still correct. It tells you how to see if there is a reference from another chart.

As to what requires a recalculation, it is anything that would force a recalculation. Drawings do not do this, but studies do. So you have a study somewhere (most likely a "Study/Price Overlay", but it could be another) in which there is a reference to Chart B. You would need to go through and find this and remove it if you do not want the recalculation to occur.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-02-13 06:38:58]
User61168 - Posts: 369
Thanks John. I am trying to figure out what the "anything" is
anything that would force a recalculation
. I do not use chart objects or chart overlays or any of the complex features. Only simply alert conditions, spreadsheet formula,High/low of time period study and all the related "trading:" studies.

Most of the formulas compares values between [0] and [-1] index and in one instance looking back [-9] bars. Everything is contained within the same Main chart.
Anyways, thanks for your response.
[2024-03-27 15:22:03]
gtaranti - Posts: 61
This is also something I'd like to know.

I think, we should at least be able to check in ACSIL when the chart is tagged and going to perform a recalculation (or not).
For example by adding a helper function like sc.IsChartTaggedForRecalculation(chartId).

Another issue with this recalculation behaviour, is that it makes it difficult to timely create and start exporting to a text file when doing backtesting.
[2024-03-27 17:08:21]
User61168 - Posts: 369
Agree! time based periodic calculation is not very helpful if recalculation is required after each tick or price change. I am still at a loss what/when I should be using the periodic recalculation... even on extremely simple strategies accessing values only from current and previous bars. We need more guidance as replay/backtesting becomes unbearably slow.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-03-27 17:08:59
[2024-03-27 18:27:13]
maxpi - Posts: 175
I have not investigated further, am working around it, but it seems like some of the recalculations are gratuitous and causing problems.

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