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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 19:10:42 +0000

"Color Bar Based on Alert Condition"- Feature Request

View Count: 233

[2023-12-24 12:15:47]
Sudhirc - Posts: 50
Is it possible to have the "Study Subgraph Value When True (In:15) " on the price panel instead on secondary panel once the condition is me.

For example on the attached graph, when a condition is met i can print the required value on the secondary panel (in this case %K value when the condition is met).
by having the following setting under Setting and Inputs panel
Output when condition True (In:4)- Study Subgraph Reference
Study Subgraph Reference Value When True (In:15) - ID1.SG1 (in this case %K value)
and under Subgraphs panel by selecting - Draw Style : Value of Subgraph

But can you add an option to the study where i can option to have the value get printed on price panel with the option to print at high/low/or close of bar with offset.
Input name --- Subgraph output:
Input Value -- ID0.SG1 (open/high/low/last etc) to choose from.

Attachment Deleted.
attachmentChartbook18.Cht - Attached On 2023-12-24 12:15:35 UTC - Size: 4.85 KB - 67 views
[2023-12-24 23:43:53]
Ticks - Posts: 174
What you are requesting. It can already be done.

[2023-12-25 00:02:08]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 14647
Yes, it is already supported. We are in the process of updating the documentation.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2023-12-28 00:27:31]
Sudhirc - Posts: 50
Yes arrows and texts can be done, that's not what I'm requesting.

If you look at the attached pic, i had an alert condition based on "Color Bar Based on Alert Condition" and was when the condition is met, i was able to print the desired %K value (#) on Stochastic's. (which is in Panel 2)

(this was done by Color Bar Based on Alert Condition - Output when Condition is True In:4 - selecting to: Study Subgraph Reference and
Study Subgraph Reference Value In: 15 - IS1.SG1 - This is now printed on panel 2 on Stochastics

How can i get this value printed on the main price chart? (manually - annotated on price panel in white in the attached picture)

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-28 00:29:32
[2023-12-28 01:09:39]
Ticks - Posts: 174
Do you mean like this screenshot attached?
If so, use a spreadsheet formula study and set draw zero values to No.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-28 01:19:00
imageCapture.PNG / V - Attached On 2023-12-28 01:08:35 UTC - Size: 8.52 KB - 47 views
[2023-12-28 01:28:30]
Sudhirc - Posts: 50

Yes that is what I'm looking for

Never worked with spreadsheet Formula, i will work on it.

Do you mind putting it together if it is not too much trouble. I have everything in chartbook18.cht attached to my first post.

Thank you so much

edit: Sorry, Spreadsheet Formula Study- DOES NOT WORK.
Reason: I'm not calculating based on a formula in Spreadsheet Formula -
When the condition is met as in ID3 or ID4 (in the attached chartbook, THEN get value from ID1.SG1 and print in panel 1) - this cannot be done with Spreadsheet Formula to the best of my knowledge.

Thank you for looking into it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-28 01:52:51
[2023-12-28 02:03:42]
Ticks - Posts: 174
Just because it says spreadsheet formula.
It does not mean you can only use a spreadsheet formula structure.
It says this in the spreadsheet formula documentation.

You can use the same if, and, or statements that are used in a color Bar Based on Alert Condition formula.
IF(whatever value you need to be,ID1.SG1,0)

As an example:
In the screenshot, I showed you.
This is the formula I used to get those number values.

if( and( ID0.SG23[-2]> ID0.SG22[-2],ID2.SG7 > 0, (H[-1] - L ) / ticksize >=TICKSIZE*ID19.SG10 ),(H[-1] -L ) / ticksize, 0)

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-12-28 02:19:54
[2023-12-28 03:49:34]
Sudhirc - Posts: 50
Ticks, awesome, thank you so much sir.

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