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Support Board

Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:10:52 +0000


View Count: 966

[2014-07-22 18:34:03]
User39772 - Posts: 311
Hi, I use a 1st instance of SC connected to my broker and a 2nd instance of SC connected to my feed (IQfeed).
First instance shows an [R] in the charts and receives data from 2nd instance.

When I fist did setup this configurantion an changed symbols in 1st intstance it took a few seconds to updated the charts
(several linked charts). Now it takes much more longer, if I enter a new symbol until I see the new data (estimated > 10 sec.)
per new symbol.

What could be the reason for that behaviour ?
[2014-07-22 19:02:03]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Most likely because it is taking longer to download the historical data from IQ Feed.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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