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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:17:18 +0000

The option to edit study IDs manually

View Count: 1123

[2024-04-22 20:18:06]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
+1 for edit ID
[2024-05-04 10:16:48]
User499894 - Posts: 45
[2024-07-08 12:42:40]
ninjus - Posts: 27
Any News on this? Every day I need it :)
[2024-07-24 08:26:18]
ninjus - Posts: 27
Another day starts. Another day I need this functionality... :(
[2024-07-24 08:28:36]
User327556 - Posts: 1
Would be an amazing feature!
[2024-07-24 21:02:12]
User695518 - Posts: 52
+1 let's edit IDs!
[2024-07-24 21:14:55]
User519746 - Posts: 6

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