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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 20:18:07 +0000

How to color a bar if it's size (H-L) is bigger than any of the previous 5 bars?

View Count: 162

[2023-07-10 04:15:30]
shire - Posts: 6
Currently using the "Color Bar based on Alert Condition" study and I'm not sure what formula to use to get it to color a bar a different color if it has a greater height than any of the previous 5 bars on a 2000 tick chart.
[2023-07-10 14:42:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 31946
It would be the following formula to test against the previous two bars (we leave it to you to expand it to 5 bars, or however many you want):
= AND((H - L) > (H[-1] - L[-1]), (H - L) > (H[-2] - L[-2]))

The particular items you need to reference are the following:
Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning: OR and AND Functions

Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning: Available Main Price Graph Identifiers/Variables

Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning: Referencing Data Other Than on the Last Bar/Column In the Chart
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