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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:09:04 +0000

Upcoming Webinar (Saturday 3 June): Automate Your Trading with the Trading Research Group

View Count: 1606

[2023-12-14 09:00:23]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 932
I hosted a live Zoom today where I built an orderflow trading bot on the fly using the framework we'll be building in the upcoming course.


One last webinar tomorrow at the close, as noted above.

Register free: https://trgp.nl/wkf
[2023-12-27 02:17:25]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 932
We're about half full for the upcoming "Bot Building" course that starts a week from this Saturday! If you're interested in automation but don't know where to start, or have tried but struggle with spreadsheets and alert formulas, this class is perfect for you.

Check out the Youtube link directly above, to see an example of the kind of bot that is super easy to build using the framework we'll be building during the course. And of course if this tickles your fancy, register to join above, before the ship has sailed! =)
[2024-01-05 21:02:50]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 932
Class begins tomorrow, can comfortably take up to a few more. See all who have registered in the morning!
[2024-01-06 04:27:16]
User740504 - Posts: 94
The webinar zoom link says Dec. 14, 2023 @ 16:00 EST. What time is the meeting tomorrow and is the zoom link sent out in the email correct to join? I just signed up and was given no information on the time tomorrow morning.

Thank you.
[2024-01-06 05:36:48]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 932
Please send me a DM and let me know who you are, I've contacted everyone whose order I've seen, with information on how to join the community for links, schedule, discussion, etc. Definitely don't want you to fall through the cracks!
[2024-01-06 06:00:10]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 932
BTW I send you a DM request in here as well, I'm heading to bed soon but will check in the morning to make sure you've been taken care of. You can also reach out to Lee Harris (BinaryDuke) for assistance.
[2024-01-06 06:33:24]
User740504 - Posts: 94
Sorry, I was away from the computer. Just checked messages and saw your DM. Sent a reply.

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