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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:11:23 +0000

Shrink Price Column in DOM

View Count: 715

[2023-05-07 12:52:22]
Jimmyz83 - Posts: 47
See attached pic, I have already limited the number of price digits to show in the column, but there is still lots of wasted space in the column. Is there a setting that I can change to reduce this column spacing? tks
imageScreenshot 2023-05-07 075124.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-05-07 12:51:44 UTC - Size: 55.27 KB - 169 views
[2023-05-08 19:54:08]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
The width of that column is automatically managed. One thing you can try to do is select Chart >> Recalculate and see if it resizes smaller.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2023-05-08 21:26:40]
gcUserStudies - Posts: 94
See attached pic, I have already limited the number of price digits to show in the column, but there is still lots of wasted space in the column. Is there a setting that I can change to reduce this column spacing? tks

The only work around I've found is a custom study written to address this specific issue by Frozen Tundra. It copies the price into the label column (or GP1 / GP2). Since it uses GDI tool for drawing you can't have Open GL enabled on your DOM instance. The easiest way is to just add the label column next to price. Then add the study and adjust the colors/alignment etc.. to what you want. Then you can hide the values scale via the chart settings and that will remove the prices from the original price column. Then in your DOM columns just move that one all the way down off to the side. You can adjust the Label/GP1/GP2 columns smaller than the price. The price one seems stuck/fixed to a minimum size. It would be nice if you can adjust it down further based on how many digits you are using for price. But until then, this is a work around. Here is an example before/after and the study settings:

Study download link is here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FrozenTundraTrader/sierrachart/main/price_in_label.cpp

You can download the cpp file and put in your C:\SierraChart\ACS_Source folder and then do a remote build and it should work. Analysis->Build Custom Study->Select the file->Build/Remote Build
imagePrice In DOM Label - Before.png / V - Attached On 2023-05-08 21:25:50 UTC - Size: 47.2 KB - 170 views
imagePrice In DOM Label - After.png / V - Attached On 2023-05-08 21:25:56 UTC - Size: 52.23 KB - 162 views
imagePrice In DOM Label Settings.png / V - Attached On 2023-05-08 21:26:24 UTC - Size: 15.04 KB - 132 views
[2023-05-09 22:48:21]
Jimmyz83 - Posts: 47
Worked great!! Thanks for the info. Attached pic
imageScreenshot 2023-05-09 174746.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-05-09 22:47:55 UTC - Size: 86.2 KB - 166 views
[2024-03-08 12:48:03]
User150671 - Posts: 50
Bump to this:
Sierra Support - Can we please get the ability to adjust the sizing of the price column natively for DOMS? Or at least allow it auto shrink to the 'Limit Price Displayed to N Right Characters' value (which is the expected behavior)?

Things like Currencies and Treasury Bonds take up a lot of unnecessary space, and limit amount of DOMS able to be displayed - especially with small screens.

Ideally Alignment should be adjustable as well and behave as follows:
Right Align - Margin on Right therefore left hand digits should disappear as price column shrinks
Left Align - Margin on Left - right digits disappear as price column shrinks

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