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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:53:41 +0000

DOM columns

View Count: 383

[2023-03-23 10:41:00]
User303272 - Posts: 4
my current DOM chart looks like this: https://www.sierrachart.com/image.php?Image=1679567361577.png

I would like to add 2 more columns, indicating the Ask/Bid volume at each price.
Looks like the screenshot attached (see blue arrows).

How can I set this up please?

Thanks a lot,
Private File
[2023-03-23 15:15:55]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Add the Recent Ask and Recent Bid columns to the DOM. Refer to the following:
Global Trade Settings Windows: Customize Chart/Trade DOM Columns (Chart Specific)

Then set the option for Trade >> Chart DOM Settings >> Other >> Display Both Last Traded Recent Bid and Ask Background to Yes. Refer to the following:
Global Trade Settings Windows: Display Both Last Traded Recent Bid and Ask Background (Global Settings >> Chart DOM Settings >> Other >> Other Settings)

There is additional information in the documentation about enabling the graphics settings for the backgrounds. Be sure you go through that as well.
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