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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:16:12 +0000

How do I place an attached OCO limit order by direction clicking on the chart?

View Count: 236

[2023-03-07 04:43:30]
User280673 - Posts: 27
I want to be able to execute a trade directly on my chart. I know you can left-click and use the drop-down menu. However, I want to be able to click similarly to on the DOM via command.

I am struggling to find it online and I am pretty sure I had this feature on my setup but lost it due to adjusting my workstation.
[2023-03-07 09:19:44]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
Maybe you are referring to this setting:
Chart Settings: Extend Chart DOM Across Entire Chart When Using Ctrl(Buy) / Shift(Sell) (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Trading menu)
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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