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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 05:04:26 +0000

Order is expired based on Time in Force immediately on submit

View Count: 288

[2023-03-07 04:07:44]
onnb - Posts: 661

We have orders in Sim mode that are submitted, accepted immediately canceled with the message "Order is expired based on Time in Force"
We are submitting these orders as DAY orders
Its strange that the order is accepted and then canceled all within the same second.
If the order is accepted, I'd expect it to be canceled when the next trading starts.

Any guidance or info on why this is happening? Is it somehow related to the chart's session settings? How does SC decide that it violates time in force? Is that in the chart settings? The symbol settings?
[2023-03-07 07:51:26]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 15584
Use Good till Canceled.:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Main >> TimeInForce (Time in Force):

And refer to:
Trade Simulation: Solving Order is Expired Issue

The expiration time is based upon the Session Times End Time in the Global Symbol Settings.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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