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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:30:00 +0000

[User Discussion] - ask vol & bid vol

View Count: 329

[2023-03-06 19:32:28]
User411320 - Posts: 282

I'm using the "compact tools value window" and wanted clarification on the ask and bid vol data. I'm assuming that is based off trades at those prices, so for ask ( buyers lifting the ask/ aggressive) and for bid ( sellers hitting the ask/ aggressive)?

[2023-03-07 03:18:34]
ondafringe - Posts: 258
From a futures perspective (and my perspective):

Volume = bid volume + ask volume for that bar

Bid volume = total number of contracts traded at any bid price within that bar (bid price can fluctuate within that bar's time frame).

Ask volume = total number of contracts traded at any ask price within that bar (ask price can fluctuate within that bar's time frame).

Volume at the bid/ask doesn't necessarily indicate aggressive selling/buying unless one side begins to outpace the other.
[2023-03-07 18:56:52]
User411320 - Posts: 282

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