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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:24:38 +0000

[Programming Help] - Comparing queue for the orders

View Count: 290

[2023-01-30 15:30:45]
User887126 - Posts: 60

i am trying to include the following function in my ACSIL trader:

I want to be able to calculate my queue in line for limit buy/sell and compare it against first 10 level of bid/offer. what function would i use for this? Does sc.GetOrderByOrderID include queue information or is there a separate function to pass queue information into the ACSIL?
[2023-02-02 16:57:27]
User887126 - Posts: 60
Hi SC team,

any update on my request? please advise.
[2023-02-07 21:31:40]
User887126 - Posts: 60
Hello SC team,

i am following up on my support request. please advise.

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