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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:07:27 +0000

Changing color for evening session volume profile

View Count: 553

[2023-01-25 13:06:15]
User427421 - Posts: 24
I've been trying to figure this out for a while but I can't make it work. My TPO profile is a different color for the evening session but the VbP is not respecting the colors I have setup... What am I doing wrong?
imageScreenshot 2023-01-25 080315.png / V - Attached On 2023-01-25 13:04:27 UTC - Size: 164.2 KB - 89 views
[2023-01-25 16:36:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Make sure the Input for Bid Volume and Ask Volume Coloring Method is set to None, as this Input will override the coloring for the Evening v Regular session.

Then change the colors for the Subgraph named Evening Session Volume Bar Outline and Fill Colors.

Refer to the information at the following link:
Volume By Price Study: Evening Session Volume Bars Outline and Fill Colors (SG11)
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[2023-01-25 16:41:15]
User427421 - Posts: 24
it is set to none
[2023-01-25 17:49:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
You need to change the colors of the subgraph that we noted above. That will change the color of the outside bars (outside of the Value Area) the chosen colors for the Evening Session.
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[2023-01-25 18:10:00]
User427421 - Posts: 24
This has already been set to green but it's only affecting the TPO colors, that is the reason I started the thread... I doubled checked the settings
imageScreenshot 2023-01-25 130938.png / V - Attached On 2023-01-25 18:09:52 UTC - Size: 173.51 KB - 79 views
[2023-01-25 19:03:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Sorry, we did not notice that this was a VbP that is based on a TPO. In which case that coloring option does not work (as you have seen). This is because the Volume Profile does not know that it is separating into Day and Evening sessions - it is just following the TPO setup.
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