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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:34:47 +0000

Numbar Bars Calculated Values - Bar Duration

View Count: 259

[2023-01-25 11:55:56]
RIFT - Posts: 124
Is it possible for the Numbar Bars Calculated study to only have the min:sec format for Bar Duration?

The 00 for the hour makes the whole thing much harder to read if you just want to look at it quickly.

An update would be great!

imageBar.Duration.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-01-25 11:54:59 UTC - Size: 508.5 KB - 63 views
[2023-01-25 16:29:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
There is not an option to change how the Time value is displayed.
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