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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:39:48 +0000

data delayed....package 11 plus denali for Nasdaq, NYSE

View Count: 342

[2022-12-09 19:46:10]
User327548 - Posts: 2
I have package 11 and the Denali feed. Im using it for US equities so need live data for Nasdaq and NYSE ect.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to go live, been round the boards and help ect.

Thanks, Nathan
[2022-12-09 20:11:10]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
You have the NASDAQ TotalView exchange active, so you are setup properly on our end.

The most likely reason you would not be getting the data is that you have to enter the symbols for the NASDAQ TotalView with the suffix of '-NQTV' (no quotes), so you would enter IBM-NQTV and not just IBM. The -NQTV tells us that you are wanting the data from our NASDAQ TotalView feed.
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[2022-12-09 20:44:11]
User327548 - Posts: 2
ok got it- seems to be good now!

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