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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:17:04 +0000

Why is my denali data feed for ES is delayed?

View Count: 359

[2022-11-03 18:32:18]
ephi144 - Posts: 54
as far as i know i am paying and current :).

but my denali feed data is delayed (it says on the chart and I see diff prices between my IBKR and denali).

thank you
[2022-11-03 21:39:57]
John - SC Support - Posts: 33316
Your non-professional CME Group exchanges were deactivated on October 31 since you did not have your Non-Professional Exchange Agreements completed at that time.

We see that you have your agreements completed at this time, therefore you can now activate the exchanges for which you want real-time data. You can do this at the following link:

Note that you would not want to activate all the exchanges that you had previously, as you had items that you did not need as they were already included in another exchange option.
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