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Date/Time: Sun, 27 Oct 2024 08:31:01 +0000

Pivot Lines Not Straight / Update w Each Bar

View Count: 549

[2022-10-11 04:00:00]
user_xyz - Posts: 411
I have about 20 intra-day charts that reference 20 separate daily charts for pivots. 3 of the intra-day charts will not draw a straight pivot, they update on each 5 min candle. I've compared the settings and can't figure it out please help lol. Of course hitting INS will redraw the lines but on next candle update the pivot gets offset again.
imagep1.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-11 03:59:07 UTC - Size: 6.28 KB - 105 views
imagep2.png / V - Attached On 2022-10-11 03:59:13 UTC - Size: 4.98 KB - 105 views
[2022-10-11 14:39:17]
John - SC Support - Posts: 35527
We really can not tell enough of what is going on from those images. Please attach the chartbook that shows the problem and let us know the particular charts that are affected and in what way, so we know where to look.

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[2023-01-23 04:59:45]
user_xyz - Posts: 411
I have spent an ungodly amount of time trying to figure out this out and finally got it. I thought it was related to a chart setting or the pivot point study but found out that if changed the Global Symbol Setting --> Start New Daily Baily At Start Time FROM No to YES the pivot lines stopped updating on every new candle print.

Any ideas why this setting causes this? The jagged lines in the Pivot would stay like that for days unless I refreshed the chart data.

See attached images.
Private File
imageCopper Pivot Point.jpg / V - Attached On 2023-01-23 04:57:22 UTC - Size: 53.84 KB - 81 views

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