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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:41:43 +0000

Adding data fields to the chart value bar

View Count: 940

[2014-01-30 21:51:49]
mogull - Posts: 40
This is an easy one and I used to know how to do it.
Searched everywhere in the support board.

Add like, the high.low of the bar, etc?


[2014-01-30 22:40:06]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Global Settings >> Customize Chart Header.

There is also Chart >> Chart Settings >> Advanced Settings >> (options you see in the attachment).
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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imageGraphValuesInValuesWindows.png / V - Attached On 2014-01-30 22:39:56 UTC - Size: 1.01 KB - 316 views
[2014-01-31 00:09:15]
mogull - Posts: 40
Forgive my ignorance, but the global settings seem to have
everything selected, and those settings seem to appear at
the top of the chart.

I do remember having to go to "advanced settings" and
used to see individual fields of what to add, and I don't
see them there. (I have seen and done this before, and just
don't seem to be able to find it.


That is a screen shot and you can see in the upper left where
not much is displayed.

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