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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:19:12 +0000

Numbers Bars Columns

View Count: 1046

[2014-01-30 16:07:36]
Discount - Posts: 73
Can you tell me is there some setting to narrow the vertical data columns on the Sierra Numbers bars? Thanks
[2014-01-30 17:59:14]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The only thing you can do is reduce the spacing between the chart bars as explained here:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2014-01-30 18:09:55]
Discount - Posts: 73
I understand that, but if I use this method to narrow the columns, the print for the data gets so small one can not read or monitor it. Can you tell me is there some setting to narrow the vertical data columns on the Sierra Numbers bars in a different method, as I do need to be able to read the data.

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