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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 10:29:10 +0000

Drawing tool alert not working in volume window

View Count: 1254

[2014-01-27 21:27:38]
MMX - Posts: 119
I can not get the line tool or the horizontal ray tool to sound an alert when placed in the volume, region 2 area. The tools alert as they should in the main price graph area, they just won't alert in the volume area. The only alert I can get out of the volume area is with =SG1>1000, and this method is not all that accommodating when it comes to changing the value, it'll take 7 or 8 mouse clicks just to change the value. With the drawing tool, you just move it, mission accomplished.
[2014-01-28 05:07:47]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
When we try this with horz ray and lines, it works correctly. When you set up the tool alert, the study subgraph list should only contain Volume in the Chart Drawing Alert Dialog, as this is the only valid subgraph to use for the alert. Also be sure the alert is enabled and the proper sound is selected.
[2014-01-28 14:25:15]
MMX - Posts: 119
The alerts are now working as they should. They didn't work yesterday because volume was not selected in the study subgraph section. Even though it's the only item available there, it still needs to be selected.
[2014-01-28 14:54:29]
Al SC Developer - Posts: 434
Thanks for pointing that out, we will change the dialog so something is always selected to avoid confusion.

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