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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:29:34 +0000

How to use the Credit to pay Packages 5 Sierra Chart of 12 months?

View Count: 1216

[2014-01-22 11:21:24]
User82722 - Posts: 18
I wanted to pay for a Software Service Packages 5 Sierra Chart of 12 months. But mistakenly clicked Add Credit and input the amount there.
Afterwards I understand that you had to click the button below "Payment Form for Sierra Chart Usage Time - Pay for Sierra Chart Usage Time."
How to use now the Credit to pay Packages 5 Sierra Chart of 12 months?
Help, please!
[2014-01-22 15:21:52]
Sierra Chart - Max - Posts: 5641
We have done this for you. Please restart Sierra Chart.
Sierra Chart Support
[2014-01-22 15:26:37]
User82722 - Posts: 18
Thank You Very Much

[2014-01-22 15:26:38]
User82722 - Posts: 18
Thank You Very Much

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