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Date/Time: Fri, 03 May 2024 21:32:43 +0000

[Programming Help] - Spreadsheet programming question

View Count: 576

[2020-05-18 21:09:48]
User183724 - Posts: 183
Looking for information on how SC colors DOJI bars. Seems like I read it somewhere but cant find it. thx
[2020-05-18 21:26:05]
Sawtooth - Posts: 3993
This is a spreadsheet formula that matches the coloring of price bars, including doji bars:
Spreadsheet Example Formulas and Usage: Formula that Matches the Coloring of Up and Down Price Bars

Basically it is a persistent color from the bar before a doji, until there is a change of direction.
[2020-05-18 21:37:23]
User183724 - Posts: 183
isn't there a condition like if the bar closes higher than the previous bar close then its green or if it closes lower than the previous bar close its red or something like that...? seems like i read it somewhere but cant remember where.
[2020-05-18 21:41:59]
Sawtooth - Posts: 3993
Not sure where that is in the documentation, but you can determine the logic by examining the formula.

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