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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:51:20 +0000

Daily Risk Limit

View Count: 1395

[2014-01-18 16:50:50]
Marco Gundel1 - Posts: 18
Hi Support team,

I am not sure if this has been considered for implementation already but I believe a daily risk limit is one of the most crucial things in survival as a new trader.

Is there a way to implement a functionality within Sierra that allows one to set a daily risk limit within Sierra, that would prevent one - when set active - to prevent new trade placement for the specified time/day. I learnt that some platforms have such a functionality. I am not looking for a 100% guaranteed implementation because I understand things can go wrong with any technical product (software, hardware)but even if it worked 90% of the time it would be a huge plus to any trader. This could go along with a special disclaimer that a Sierra Chart user has to sign to prevent and protect Sierra from any negative impact ..i.e System failure etc.

One of the great things about Sierra is that it continues to evolve very quickly so I was hoping something like this could be considered.


[2014-01-20 07:41:44]
Futures Operator - Posts: 239
[2014-01-20 09:20:54]
tobi - Posts: 351
In an order entry platform that I formerly used, there is the possibilty to switch off the ability to widen the stop.
Maybe this is something you would find useful too, especially for beginning traders or one's that have problems sticking to their plan.

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