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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:23:08 +0000

Mixed currencies in trading statistics

View Count: 1127

[2014-01-14 22:25:18]
looking_afar - Posts: 17
Hi, guys.

Sorry to bother you with such a minor problem, but I couldn't find a solution myself.

I trade mostly futures, but sometimes I do trades in forex. I did only 2 small trades in USD/JPY last year and, obiviously, I get trading statistics in both currencies together (USD for futures and JPY for forex). For instance, my total P/L in USD/JPY is 7400 JPY, which adds to P/L from futures (which is around 2 000 USD), so if I select "All symbols", I get statistics in both USD and JPY, and I can't exclude those 2 trades to get overall statistics in all other symbols except USD/JPY. Is there any way to delete these trades or exclude them from the overall statistics, or just show overall statistics in all other symbols except USD/JPY? Without USD/JPY trades the statistics would change dramatically, since there would not have been huge JPY numbers.

I tried to set common P/L currency to USD, but it didn't change anything. I use IB as a broker.

I hope my question is more or less clear.

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-14 22:34:13
[2014-01-15 00:29:38]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
I would make a backup of your SC folder before you do anything, but you can delete them, go to Trade>>Trade Activity Log and select USD/JPY, then highlight all related trade activity and then click edit>>delete trade activity. Second option you could also try to manually edit the trades to arrive at the correct USD value by clicking Edit>>Edit Trade Activity. Third option, you could try F5>>Edit Global Symbol Settings and manually change the tick value for the instrument, although I've never done that before so I don't know if that will work or not.
[2014-01-15 02:02:16]
looking_afar - Posts: 17
but you can delete them, go to Trade>>Trade Activity Log and select USD/JPY, then highlight all related trade activity and then click edit>>delete trade activity.

This was the first thing I did, trying to fix it. It seems that it removes only trades, but the statistics stays the same. I didn't do any backup, so I can't go back and edit these trades now.
[2014-01-16 17:35:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You can permanently delete the order fills which you do not want to include in the market statistics. This can be done with Edit >>Delete Trade Activity Entry. You actually need to delete the order Fills. Not only the Order activity entries.

Refer to the instructions here for this:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-16 17:36:49

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