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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:56:52 +0000

RTH OHLC Bars on top of ETH OHLC Bars

View Count: 1413

[2014-01-12 13:16:14]
User16114 - Posts: 153
For the ES, can you suggest a way to have the regular trading hours OHLC Bars on top of the extended (globex) trading hours OHLC Bars?

When using the Overlay Bar study I can get both RTH and ETH bars in the chart but not one on top of the other. They are off significantly. Have tried many different scale settings.

If the RTH OHLC Bars were white and on top of the ETH OHLC Bars (in red) then could quickly see if the daily high or low was achieved in the night session.
[2014-01-12 13:42:46]
User16114 - Posts: 153
to be more precise can a daily (405 minute intraday chart) OHLC Bar with a RTH session time 09:30 to 16:14:59 be on top of a daily (1395 minute intraday chart) OHLC Bar with an ETH session time 18:00 to 17:15 OHLC Bar - and on the same scale so the RTH is on top of the ETH? Thanks!
[2014-01-12 14:24:51]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4051
Use the Study/Price Overlay study on the ETH chart, set the Chart Region to 1.

Also, go to Chart >> Graphics Settings and uncheck 'Use Global Graphics Settings...' on one or both charts, so that you can use different colored candles.
[2014-01-16 04:31:25]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
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