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[User Discussion] - ZigZag swing count

View Count: 3674

[2013-12-20 14:30:55]
User31737 - Posts: 73
Is there a simple way to count the total number of zigzags that occur during a specific time period?

[2013-12-20 16:14:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The Zigzag study does not provide this functionality.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-12-20 16:14:52
[2013-12-21 01:56:21]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
I may be able to help if you tell me how you want to define the time period and how you want to view the results.
[2014-01-18 16:09:44]
User31737 - Posts: 73
Hi vegasfoster - I apologize for the delayed response but I just saw this post today.
I am trying to define the time period as either the total number of zigzags in a 24hr period, or, preferably the total zig zags in a regular trading hour session. I would like to review the results as a single number relative to that period, like total zzs=24 which would mean that during that RTH session there were 24 zzs . So if I had 120 days worth of data, I would see 120 zz numbers.

Ideally, if sc were to add this to the output of the current study, I could then export it to a spreadsheet, and track it like we are able to track other zz results(zigzag length, duration, volume, etc)

[2014-01-18 16:12:52]
User31737 - Posts: 73
As I re-read this, it would be better if the time period would just equal the chart setting session time. Total number of swings from start time to end time.
[2014-01-20 17:54:51]
User31737 - Posts: 73
makes for a valuable way to track intra-day volatility
[2014-01-21 00:39:06]
crazybears - Posts: 314

i done a study like this , it works best on flex renko chart as it's a saw wave form .

[2014-01-21 02:01:55]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
If you want to export it then I will just set it up as a spreadsheet study, but it will show a cumulative total for each bar and you will have to copy and paste into excel and manipulate to get a total for each session. A coded study would present the same issue for me. I am sure someone could code a study that would export the data in to a nice table, but that's beyond my skills. I will look at it tomorrow.
[2014-01-21 18:10:04]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
Just a sec
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-01-21 18:16:20
[2014-01-21 19:15:17]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
Ok, if you go to sheet2 then it makes a little table for you. Lemme know.
attachmentZigZag.cht - Attached On 2014-01-21 19:14:57 UTC - Size: 38.09 KB - 748 views
[2014-01-21 20:07:06]
User31737 - Posts: 73
thank you I will take a look at it
[2014-01-21 21:01:31]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
FYI, you may have issues with Sunday that we may have to work through depending on the session start/stop times you use.

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