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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:41:00 +0000

[User Discussion] - Custom study "PPVP for 3 day aggregation (24h)"

View Count: 1538

[2013-12-09 16:25:15]
pismo10 - Posts: 159
In the custom study "PPVP for 3 day aggregation (24h)" When using 24r data I see it calculates pivots based on midnight being the Close. Is there a way to adjust this so that it uses 16:15 as the close?
If I set the hours to end at 16:15 it seems to make no difference, it still uses midnight as the close.
Kiwi's study.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-12-09 18:46:58
[2013-12-10 20:28:52]
pismo10 - Posts: 159
Maybe i can tell it to use a closing price at a specific time like Close(16:15) but I dont know the syntax or if you can do it this way.
[2013-12-11 18:02:08]
vegasfoster - Posts: 444
Press F5 and change your session times to the desired times, then click Edit Global Settings >> Intraday Tab and change the session times to make them permanent.
[2013-12-12 18:26:05]
pismo10 - Posts: 159
Thanks but did not seem to help or change anything. Still referencing 00:00:00 for the close of the pivot calculations.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-12-12 18:26:17
[2014-11-18 15:34:51]
OneMoreTick - Posts: 79
Pismo10 - I just found this study and was trying to make the same change. Did you ever find a way to adjust the time that it uses for the session end? Or an alternative study that can do it?

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