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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 01:20:44 +0000

[User Discussion] - Auto Hide Chart Tittle Bar and Scroll Bar

View Count: 2566

[2013-04-10 02:23:11]
teowinner - Posts: 16
Hi guys,
i love the auto hide option in the "GENERAL SETTINGS" that was an enhancement to additional chart space for people with small screen.

Would it be possible this option remain hiding until we use the right click to select with the chart shortcut menu if we need the tittle bar.

Now it is when we click on the chart to view the price bars,etc, this chart title bar will appears and stay up until we have to right click and select the "SHOW TITTLE BAR" set in the shortcut menu to disable it.

please have some time to look into this issue but it does really gives us the best working space that we can ask for.

take care and thank you!

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