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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 02:01:40 +0000

[User Discussion] - Strength Meter

View Count: 6619

[2020-06-21 12:39:13]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
First update:

-change of the calculation core from whole bars to the calculation "atprice", the reason is the requirement for an S-meter only, for example, from 20 ticks above and below the current price
- preparation for reset function

- Addition of several user-selectable calculation types to sharpen changes

- improved loading and calculation up to max 5ms

- creation of a reference study which plots the ratio in another graph in the form of a user-defined zone. It is thus possible to see historically where the ratio of both sides was. Finally, speculations about the usefulness of this tool will be resolved

update tonight or tomorrow night
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-21 13:05:40
[2020-06-23 00:40:07]
Ackin - Posts: 1865

- change calculation from whole bars to the calculation "atprice"
- auto reset by user trade Entry, auto reset by user trade Exit
- type calculation Ask/Bid, filtered Ask/Bid at price,filtered Ask/Bid delta at price,filtered Ask/Bid delta diagonal, MA's, Ask/Bid Median ... etc other 12 types

So far only one Meter for the test, in the end there will be three again with a shadow of the last few movements ....

Next update in two days
[2020-06-23 17:32:08]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
Your requests:

Reset by ColorBar based on alert condition - Done
Reset a meter with a button manually - Done
Reset meter on opening of a position - Done
add item Uptick/Downtick - Done
add Ask/Bid Trades - Done
Filtering by bars vol - Done
At_price: Counting diagonal imbalances for user period - Done
At_price: Filtering by vol - Done

Update tonight

Other req. in progress:
Reset all open meters simultaneously with a single button manually.
show accumulated bid vs accumulated ask volume over a number of ticks (user defined)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-02-07 11:01:52
[2021-02-07 00:00:53]
User103448 - Posts: 72
is there a way to do this in Sierra chart? It looks like Sierra Chart DOM.
Any clue?
imagedmsc.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-02-07 00:00:50 UTC - Size: 159.42 KB - 675 views

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