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Date/Time: Tue, 08 Oct 2024 06:58:39 +0000

Drawings on Different Symbols

View Count: 1184

[2014-11-18 15:57:09]
LadyTrader - Posts: 19
When I am using a chartbook and have one symbol up - SPY for instance - I will put some reference lines on the chart.
Then, if I change the symbol - to IWM for instance - all the drawings I did on the SPY chart will remain.
Is there a way to have the drawings stay with the symbol so that I don't have to keep hiding and unhiding drawings and can easily go through the charts and keep their drawings on them.

Thanks for all the help - always is appreciated.
[2014-11-18 22:28:59]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes. Uncheck Chart >> Chart Settings >> Advanced Settings 2 >>Show Chart Drawings for Different Symbols.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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