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Date/Time: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 11:38:01 +0000

Mouse cursor jumps after making selection on a drawing's right-click menu

View Count: 959

[2014-11-17 18:15:34]
User37537 - Posts: 78
Is there a way to disable this?


I right click on a line drawing to bring up it's menu - lets say at this point my mouse is at reference point (x,y) = (0,0)

I move the mouse cursor over a bit and down to position (10,-300) to make a menu selection (i.e. 'Erase Drawing')

Now as soon as I left-click to make the menu selection, my drawing disappears as expected, but my mouse cursor has suddenly moved back to position (0,0).
[2014-11-17 18:21:49]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Why is this a problem? It will move back to the original position where you right-click at otherwise you would notice a very rapid movement of the chart drawing to a place where you probably did not intend to move it to.

There is not a way to disable this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2014-11-17 18:47:15]
User37537 - Posts: 78
This is a problem because I have several screens, which requires a high mouse sensitivity setting on my desktop. When the cursor jumps on the screen without a corresponding movement of my physical mouse, then the mouse needs to be lifted off the mousepad and adjusted to make up for the cursor movement. Try drawing 10 lines on your chart, then deleting them all in this fashion and see where your mouse ends up. I would be very surprised if you do not need to lift your mouse up and adjust it several times.

I know this sounds trivial but when I am deleting or adjusting several images, it gets very cumbersome to have to constantly re-adjust my mouse's physical position on the mousepad.

As a note, I typically have the Chart Values / Crosshair tool selected so the chart should not be moving at all.

(edited typo)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-11-17 20:13:30
[2014-11-17 19:20:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will look into adding an option for this.

However, one thing you can do is left click on the drawing when the Pointer tool is active and then press the Delete key to delete the drawing. Let us know if that solves the problem for you.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-11-17 19:20:20
[2014-11-17 20:12:26]
User37537 - Posts: 78
I can work around this by using the delete key - it's not critical, however it would be a nice feature to add if it turns out to be trivial to add. I'm sure many users using more than 1 or 2 physical monitors would appreciate this. I suppose there would need to be a distinction made between actions which require the drawing to be selected afterwards (where snapping makes sense), and actions which do not. i.e. things like 'Move drawing' should probably snap the mouse, but things like "Erase drawing" or "Modify Ttext" probably should not.

Thanks for the consideration.

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