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Date/Time: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:12:04 +0000

[User Discussion] - Anyone with knowledge of Sierra please assist

View Count: 1245

[2014-10-25 11:50:52]
User54027 - Posts: 128
I am looking to create a dashboard on Sierra to highlight the Double Stochastic reading across 5 time frames per instrument. Namely the 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 min charts. I would like to see this data across a number of instruments in an easy to read and analyse format as per the file attached.
Is this possible to programme in Sierra?
Many Thanks.


[2014-10-25 15:48:50]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4051
Yes, this is possible using the same-named Spreadsheet Study study on each chart, then referencing them on a separate sheet.
If you use the Old Spreadsheets version, you can use a standalone spreadsheet as the separate sheet.
If you use the New Spreadsheets version, you'll need to add a dummy chart to the chartbook to hold open the sheet you use as the separate sheet.

[2014-10-25 16:53:41]
User54027 - Posts: 128
HI Tom,
Many thanks!
So I would have a master spreadsheet collating data from my 5 dow jones spreadsheets
And then a master for each other instrument.
Would i then be able to create a master to collate the master sheets for each individual instrument?
[2014-10-25 18:05:40]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4051
If all charts are in the same chartbook, you don't need a submaster sheet. Everything can be combined on one master sheet.
If the charts are grouped in separate chartbooks in the same instance of Sierra Chart, you'll need to use the Old Spreadsheets version, and the standalone spreadsheet. You cannot reference a separate spreadsheet file in the New Spreadsheets version.
If the charts are grouped in separate instances of Sierra Chart, you won't be able combine all instruments on the same master sheet. The standalone spreadsheet file must be in the \Data folder of each SC instance, and you cannot share the \Data folder with other SC instances.

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