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Date/Time: Sat, 18 May 2024 22:04:20 +0000

Post From: ACSIL documentation: the sc.Defaults code block

[2015-10-19 17:12:38]
User44052 - Posts: 34
Thanks. And sorry, I'd been doing searches for sc.Defaults instead of sc.SetDefaults.

My purpose was some sc members used in the TradingSystem.cpp example:
    sc.AllowMultipleEntriesInSameDirection = false;
    sc.MaximumPositionAllowed = 10;
    sc.SupportReversals = false;

    // This is false by default. Orders will go to the simulation system always.
    sc.SendOrdersToTradeService = false;

Take the sc.SupportReversals member for example. What if I set this member using an sc.Input? For example, my trading study would be running, with sc.SupportReversals set initially as false (using an input field).

During the day, if I change the study input to true, would all subsequent trades start supporting reversals, or do I have to close the chart/chartbook and re-apply the study?

Does it matter if at the time I make this change there is an open position already?